Glock 27


New member
I don't hear much conversation about the Glock 27. What are your thoughts on this gun. Good for conceal carry, but how does it shoot.
Good morning TFL member's:

Glock 27's have a tendency to make one a "Glock Lover"; which ain't so bad!!!:) Seriously, I find that I can
shoot the G-27 far better than I could my G-23, or Sig
P229.:( With that said, the management of the recoil
isn't that bad. Just make sure that you have a firm
grip, as the gun will rise quickly upon firing; using
the 165 grain Cor-Bon's and/or any 180 grain offering's.
I now use this weapon as my every day, "light duty"

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Love my G-27! It is my primary off-duty weapon. You need to put the finger extension on the mags. It helps tame the recoil. I use 155 gr. Gold-Dots in mine.

Ala Dan is right about the tendency to become a Glock lover.
My local FFL has one in on consignment for $559 with 4 mags. Makes me wish I wasn't so in debt right now. Would be a perfect compliment to my Glock 22.
My 27 is sitting in front of me as I type this. I've shot 2 IPSC matches with it. Slickest little gun I own. A real weapon. It shoots real good for a small gun. It will make a Glock lover out of you. Just make sure you get the Pearce +1 grip extensions, otherwise there isn't much to hang on to.
An excellent defensive handgun for one willing to train properly with it. Outstanding size-to-power and weight-to-power ratios.
I prefer the G26. It has very soft recoil and very good accuracy--mine is a tackdriver. In fact, the G26 (in my experience) is more accurate and recoils less than the larger G19 and G17.

The G27 is accurate, but the snappy recoil is unpleasant to say the least. I have rented the G27 several times and have NO DESIRE to own one. In your position, I would not buy one without at least first trying it out....everyone handles recoil differently and some might like the way the G27 recoils. To conclude, the G27 is NOT for me, but there are a lot of people that like it.
My 2 cents:

The G27 recoil is nuthin. Just takes a little practice (which you should be doing plenty of with your carry weapon anyway), and you'll find the G27 is controllable, fast and accurate.

And I disagree with other posters that advocate getting the mag extensions which gives a longer grip. The whole idea of the G27 is a small pistol for maximum concealment. Putting on a longer grip defeats the purpose. If you need the longer grip, you should've bought the G23 in the first place. Practice shooting with the short 2-finger grip, tucking your pinky under the mag floorplate, and you'll do just fine.
I've seen this thread for a couple of days and now I'd like to respond.
I consider my Glock 27 to be my most "serious" concealed pistol. When the wife and I drive to Florida, I probably will have a .32ACP (good bet!) in my pocket, but the G27 will ALWAYS be on my hip. I have equipped mine with Trijicon night sights and one mag has the Pearce (non plus one ) extension.
The ammunition I almost always use is the 135gr. Federal Hydra-Shok "PD" round. (I had one of the local cops tell me that his guy's preferred this ammo.) The recoil is not bad at all. If you went to the range with a .357 snub and fired about 50 rounds and then fired the Glock, the G27 would feel like a BB gun.

Kentucky Rifle
Thanks for the input guys. I went to the gun store today and compared how my Sigma 40 S&W matched up size wise to the Glock 23. About the same size. I think that I am going for a 27. I don't need two guns the same size. I used to own a Ruger SP101 in a two inch barrel. I doubt that the 27 will kick any more, if not less than that gun. The recoil on the SP101 didn't bother me at all. I want a smaller gun that is easier to conceal. Thanks again for your input.
I pretty much concur with Quantum Singularity, word for word. I have owned both the G26 and G27 (both with finger extensions). I prefer the G26. It's a matter of taste.
Here is another guy about to go against the grain as far as far as adding a mag extention to your 27, like already said above the 27 is meant for maximum concealment if you want a bigger grip you should look at a 23.

I bought every kind of extention on the market (+1, non +1) and although they did add that extra finger groove I found them to take away from the 27s concealability which was the soul purpose for me getting one.

With a little bit of practice I now shoot my 27 without any extention and find my groups to be improving with every range session, like posted above just curl your pinky under the mag as if you were holding it in place and with a little time this will become second nature.

The one point that I want to make here is that if you want an extention by all means go get one, but do not feel as though you need one in order to shoot the 27 effectively, this gun will do its job with or without any mag extentions, you just have to do yours.

Also, the 27 is one of my most accurate pistols to date. Like Ala Dan I am a big Sig Sauer guy, I can surely appreciate accuracy from a gun. Yet I am simply amazed of the accuracy I get from that little black beast. There is something to be said about a gun the size of the 27 that holds 9 rounds of potent .40 rounds that tucks away with ease and shoots as good as its older brothers the 23/22. Shoot that gun for a while, then post a couple pictures of your targets with your 1" groups or so at 15 yards to show all the "those horrible .40s are so all over the place" people just how all over the place that little .40 can really be:)

I see many Glocks in your future now, be ready.

Good luck and good choice.

My local FFL has one in on consignment for $559 with 4 mags. Makes me wish I wasn't so in debt right now. Would be a perfect compliment to my Glock 22.

Wow, where are you, PreserveFreedom? $559 used? despite the extra magazines, they can be had brand new at VA gun shows for around $450, maybe lower.
I am in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Things are a little more expensive here because we are 80 miles from the next real city. I know the guy that is selling it on consignment and I could probably get him to chew a few bucks off if I really wanted.
I just shot the Glock 27 for the first time last week. I liked it much better than the Glock 23C. The recoil isn't too bad.
GLOCKTIGGER- the lowest around here on
the baby glocks is $520.00,I saw two of the glock 20's
new today for $600.00.
I bought mine for $550. with night sights used
and unregistered so I was happy with that Im in memphis,TN.
I also a bought a 27 used with night sights for 500.
and an extra mag in the box.
I have to get the front sight tigtened you can wiggle it
a bit by hand but even then I had no problem hitting my target the recoil isnt bad at all to me and I did get the extension.
Ive also shot the 30 and would have gotten that but felt I got a deal on this one.

Support those who dont compromise
I used to be a Glock hater until I got the G27.
Now I'm a born-again Glocker.

The G27 (and the G26) are two of the most amazing pistols ever made. I'm constantly amazed at its small size and the accuracy, power and controllability I get from it.

My little pet with a mean snout.
rontrees, My 27 made a Glock Believer out of me ;) Best compact handgun that I own and I do use mine for CCW. In my opinion the gun shoots really well and is a little snappy in the recoil if your not use to it. It doesn't bother me.
I really like it and would recommend one to anyone :D