Glock 27 question


New member
Picked up my Glock 27 last week and really like it.

One question though to those who own one.

How long does it take for the mag springs to break in enough that you can carry 9+1.

I can fit 8+1 no problem and if I really muscle in the 9th, the slide will not feed the first round.

Spoke with a glock armorer who said some people cut a half link off the spring but several months down the line when it breaks in you will wish you didn't, so carry 8+1 for a few months and then after break in 9+1 will be no problem.

What are your experiences?


A couple things you can do. First, just leave the magazines loaded full for a while. Most people claim they get easier to load with the last round (this has been my wife's experience with her G27). Some recommend filing a little off the bottom of the follower. I don't like the idea much but over on Glock Talk it is much talked about. Finally, you could get Shearer +1 base pads that raise the capacity to 10. It makes loading nine easy and eventually you can probably carry 10 + 1.
I had a Pearce +1, and either the spring or the follower hung up on the extension... just keep that in mind for reliability sakes.

Are you saying that with a full mag, you can't cycle the slide? It's a lot harder, but you SHOULD be able to cycle it by hand.... and a fired round should CERTAINLY be able to do it. My G-27 is definately more difficult to cycle by hand with a full mag, but I can do it.

The recoil spring should be sufficiently stiff to chamber the first round of a full mag though. I don't know what to tell you if the slide is literally getting hung up on the first round though.

I found the easiest was to rack a stiff slide is to hold tight onto the slide in front of me and push the gun forward instead of trying to rack the slide back. Give that a whirl.

Just shoot it and let it wear in. I don't remember when it happened, but neither of my mags is too hard to get 9 in now. Keep shooting it and keeps the mags loaded, and it will happen. I would not file a spring for anything. I carred my G22 w/one less too until it wore in.
TheeBadOne wrote:
I would not file a spring for anything.
I think you misunderstood. Nobody has mentioned that the spring could/should be filed.

Dave T wrote:
Some recommend filing a little off the bottom of the follower.
I have used this method with great success. I had problems with inserting the last round in my four Glock 30 magazines, but this provided an instant cure. I was timid at first and didn't want to do it, but eventually, so many people recommended it that I finally decided to give it a try too -- GLAD I DID!
I recommend the "Austrian Stomp" to get those Glock magazines fully loaded. Load seven rounds, place your thumb over the top round and firmly smack the base of the magazine against the heel of your boot. Load the next round and repeat. All nine (or ten) rounds should load. This works with all Glock magazines, preban or postban.