Glock 27 or Kahr P40 - Which One


New member
I am looking for a new concealed carry gun. I believe I have it narrowed down to thr Kahr P40 or a Glock 27. Which one is best.
I have a Glock M27 that I purchased for a CCW. It shoots great but I can't conceal the big fat thing. I am now in the process of picking up a Kahr MK9. So I would recomend the Kahr for concealment.
The best is the one that fits you. I prefer the G27 and can conceal it just fine, but then again, I'm not going out in a tank top and speedos. Not too sure on the weight or recoil of the Kahr, but the G27 is just right for me.

some people have no problem concealing the G26/27/33. I know one person who carries one in an ankle rig every place but the shower. The MK40's biggest advantage is its ability to be carried in a pocket, IMHO, (with a good pocket rig). Those who talk about the mini-Glocks being too thick for CCW probably don't buy their trousers a size large with CCW in mind.
I gotta start paying more attention to these posts before I reply :D

I've have owned the Glock 27, P9, and other Kahrs, and I've found that (redundant statement imminent) it depends on your preference :). The G27 was GREAT, but it was too fat for my tastes. Then I bought an MK40 sight unseen after falling in love with the MK9 I bought my wife, but it was too HEAVY! I don't know why, but the MK9 just FEELS lighter to me. Then, I sold it, and bought a P9, and I'm QUITE happy with it. Of course, these days, since I prefer the .40 over the 9mm, I'm CONSIDERING selling the P9 for a P40 :rolleyes:

Decide how you're going to carry it, then ask the gunshop worker if you can check the fit and comfort of the gun with your carry method. In the 2 shops I go to, they always let me. I can stick it in my pocket, IWB, whatever. You could offer up your wallet on the counter, as a sign of good faith, depending on how well they know you.
Tamara is correct. Some people do purchase their trousers a size larger to fit themsleves and their weapon. I have a size 30 waist and buy a size 30 boot cut jeans so obviously am not a big guy, as a matter of fact I'm a runner (imagine that). But I can't wear an IWB holster no matter what size trousers, they just don't fit me and a M27 in an ankle holster under the boot cut jeans really looks obvious.

I guess it is a matter of how you define concealed. I just don't see how a M27 in an ankle holster would ever be concealed in my definition which includes not printing. Unless of course you are a stylish young person in high school who buys your trousers 10+ inches larger in the waist and could hide a 19" TV under your pant leg...

As I sit here typing I have a KelTec P32 in ankle rig and its well hidden and comfortable!

I still would recommend the Kahr between the two of your choices for a CCW. :D
Two years ago I traded my G27 for a Kahr MK9 LTD for the simple reason of thickness. The Kahr was so much easier to conceal in the summers we have in AZ.
I've been having trouble with my P9 lately. No real fault of the gun I guess. I have to be very very careful where I put my thumb, too high and I will engage the slide stop in recoil. Too low and I will hit the mag release in recoil. For me there seems to be a very narrow area for proper thumb placement. Therefore, the G26 generally gets the nod as the BUG, so I personally would go with the G27. YMMV
Which One?

I can only attest to the Glock 27. It works for me ;)I carry it IWB and have no problems concealing it. You have to get what feels right for you. As far as the 27 it's a great little gun IMHO :D