Glock 26's first trip to the range


New member
Went to the range today with my new (used, but new to me) Glock 26. Actually, I took my 19 also. And a friend. The friend (a revolver guy) shot my 19 while I shot the 26.

I didn't think to watch how he held the gun (he'd shot a semiauto before a time or two, apparently, but mostly only ever shot his revolver) and he held it with the left thumb in the scary spot and got a bloody thumb. I'm going to have to remember to check for that next time I take a friend to the range.

I might never shoot my 19 again. Shhhhh, don't tell my 19 that... it's going to start getting jealous of "Baby"!

Anyhow, I think I shoot much better with the 26. I shot some of my range ammo (Ga Arms 115g FMJ) and I also stopped at the gun shop on the way to the range and got a small box of the each type carry ammo they had that might be good for my 26 (they didn't have much to choose from). I bought a small box each of these to try in the 26.
  • Cor Bon 9mm +p 115g JHP
  • Speer GoldDot 115g GDHP
  • Federal 124g HydraShok JHP
Here are my targets


Since this gun is for self defense, I shot at close ranges, 5 yards, 10 yards, and briefly at 20 yards. At least, that was our estimate of the distances.

All the carry ammo (and the range ammo for that matter) functioned well. Nothing jammed or failed to feed, eject, or whatever. Plus, the 26 doesn't bean me in the head occassionally with brass like the 19 does. I seemed to detect a bit more bite to the CorBons but that might just have been because that's the first ones I shot right after the range ammo.

I believe my targets are better with the 26 than they were with the 19. I've posted some of those before.

Boy, I love this little baby glock!

I took my friend along on a whim. He phoned me on the mobile just as i was driving away from the house to ask me something unrelated,
well, there's a story behind this, my mobile basketball goal tried to kill his mercedes in my driveway last night during a card game [sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction]... and the phone call was about insurance
and i invited him to join me on the range trip and picked him up on the way.

Now, I think he might try IDPA with me and certainly will go to the range again. He's never applied for his CCW but plans to now. Anyhow, now I have another shooting partner! woo hoo!

Comments? Advice?

Have a wonderful day!

Greeting's Amelia-

Looks like you got that G-26 well under control.:) Never owned one, but I have heard some great report's on them.:D
Keep up the good work!!! Did you shoot the revolver? If so,
just wondering how you did with it.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
Extra's for your Glock 26

Congrats on the success you are having with your baby Glock. Actually easier to shoot then 17/19s, as it's abbrviated grip limits the amount a shooter can "milk" or twist the grip as the trigger is pulled.

Some useful things... An Alessi ankle holster. Secure, comfortable and fast. A very useful thing.

Consider also the Uncle Mikes Gun Pouch Holster (black, green and denim).

Deepest concealment can be found in the appropriate size

and are very hard to detect on the street.

Avoid any and all magazine extentions. They add size while contributing nothing of use. There is enough gun present to hold and effectively use. Iron sights, preferably Trijicons are another good and useful addition.
Extra magazines are always handy.
Finally, consider a quality training course.

Good luck and enjoy.

...was here
Former Glock Hater

I used to thumb my nose at those plastic Glocks until I shot a rental G26. I remember that very day at the range I decided to trade in my snub nose .38 for one. It made a true believer out of me. These sub-compact Glocks the G26/G27 are the coolest little guns I had ever shot.

*Personally, I like my Pearce grip extensions, they do give me better control with my G27 and its a lot more comfortable to hold. With your G26 it may not be necessary, but stick it on one mag and try it out, it isn't that big. Besides, when you're carrying you can use the standard magazines for maximum concealability and have the ones with the extensions as back ups.

I also prefer Meprolights over Trijicons. They're just as bright as Trijicons (that I have on my Sig) and you can see them better in broad daylight. I believe Meprolight also makes a special version for the mini-Glocks giving it a longer sight radius; if that makes a difference to you.
I found I was just as accurate with a G27 as a G22 - go figure. I also feel that the +1 extensions (on the .40) help my grip significantly, as I am used to utilizing my full grip while shooting the full size USP .45 and grappling.

No problems shooting without the grip, however, just a preference. If I do have to go as concealed as possible (even though Arizona is an open carry state and shall-issue CCLs) the grip simply comes off.

Ditto on the iron sight recommendations... I prefer Meprolights to Trijis, but to each his/her own. Both are great.

Congrats on the purchase! Gotta love the subcompact Glocks!
To me the grip extension doesn't help too much with shooting but helps a lot with drawing from a holster. There's more to grab onto.
Thanks for the comments, y'all!

Ian11, I have already put the Pearce grip extensions on the mags. A couple of days before I went to the range, I went plinking with a buddy and he had some extensions and I tried the gun with and without. it only adds to the front of the grip and it's just enough to make my hand feel like the grip was made for it.

I haven't bothered with night sights on the 26 yet (the 19 has trijicons). I have enjoyed the U shaped rear sight on the 26, though i have no idea why. i find it easy to see, i suppose.

Ala Dan, he didn't have his revolvers with him. We only had my Glocks. But he's promised to let me try them.

Thanks for the comments, y'all!


Yep, since I got my G26, the old G19 has been getting pretty lonely in the back of the safe. ;)

I use the Schrier extentions cause it really helps me draw the gun from concealment - just like glockdoc said.

Amelia, I use the Georgia Arms 124 grain +P Gold Dot load for carry. Only $12.50 for 50 rounds. Great load.
Funny you should mention that ammo, Gino

I just ordered some this morning to try out - along with ordering some range ammo.


Two things:

First, what's the scary spot that gave your friend a bloody thumb?

Secondly, were you able to shoot the G26 as quickly as your G19? Does it come back on target as fast?

Also, how did it compare in the fun department?

Almost forgot, how did you get such nice photos of your targets and upload them to the forum? They're very well done.

Do you have a digital camera? Did you use photoshop to crop them properly?

If it's not too much trouble, could you explain the entire procedure? Hope all the questions don't inconvenience you.
I think the scary spot would be anywhere behind the slide when it is cycling,,,,right Amelia?

By the way, congrats on that 26. I remember when your name first popped up here you were thinking about that 26. See, that Glock bug will git ya every time.

Nice shooting!

Hey there viper and JMack

You got it, JMack... my buddy didn't think about that, and I didn't think to warn him... and he went into "revolver" mode... and WHAP went the slide on the web of his thumb... I've never done it myself, but then again, I had a better teacher :)


were you able to shoot the G26 as quickly as your G19? Does it come back on target as fast?
I think i'm about the same with either one, but that may just be because I'm terribly slow. I am trying to hit the target now, and worry about speed later. (as Randy said,"You can't miss fast enough to win.").

In the fun dept, i think the 26 wins for me! I love it!

Re: targets, it's no biggie. I saved the targets and brought them home (didn't want to take the time to take photos on the range when i'm paying an hourly range fee). Then, laid them on the dining table with an orange page underneath (to help visibility), and took digital photos from directly above. Then, took those .jpg files and cropped them in ULead PhotoImpact (similar to PhotoShop, if that's what you have), uploaded them to my webserver and posted them here. I'm happy to give you more detailed instructions if you email me.

My camera is a Sony Mavica FD85 and it does short MPEGs also. Nothing like an action film clip to show how clumsy I am!


If you shoot a semi-auto in a two-hand hold right-handed, your left thumb can either point forward along your right thumb (parallel to the slide) or you can keep your thumb in the "open" position so that it goes behind the gun. Unfortunately that forces it to go over your right hand which puts it high enough to get sliced severely by the slide as it goes back and forth. My wife got 11 stitches last year at EOSM. :(
I vote for this one...

"If you shoot a semi-auto in a two-hand hold right-handed, your left thumb can either point forward along your right thumb (parallel to the slide)." :D
I wish that range session would have showed you just how much you really liked your 19. Then hopefully you would sell the 26 to me.
Actually, I carry a Glock 33 with a mag extension in my front pocket on occasion. The extension helps manage the recoil, and really adds little to the bulk of the gun in the pocket.
As an alternative to the Uncle Mike's, may I suggest this one: I know that everyone says a fanny pack is screaming "GUN!", these actually look like regular WallyWorld fannypacks. Especially when you're appropriately dressed for "fanny pack carry", and I would also think that a woman could get away with it even easier.

I also agree that the finger extensions make the difference between shootable/uncomfortable for the 27, but I have no experience with the 26. I'm sure recoil is not as bad.

Congrats, Amelia... Nice shooting!
444, are you dreaming? :o)

444, don't hold your breath, i love this 26.

lucky085, the extensions I have just give you a place for your pinky finger and don't add anything else.

Onslaught, i tried the 27 and the 26 on the same day. I was so much more comfy with the 26!

Re: holster, i've ordered a SideArmor for it, just like the one i have for the 19. I am also going to try IWB just to see if that will work. If that works, i think it will be preferable and better for ccw.
At the rate you're shooting, you should consider getting a reloading press :) You can spend the same amount of money that you are now but will end up shooting 3 times as much :)