Glock 26 fingergroove removal


New member
Have any of you glock owners sanded down and removed the finger grooves? I think that may add a better feel, for me anyway. Are there any pics of such modification. I am not interested in any reduction except removing these fingergrooves. Thanks.
Robar offers a "grip reduction" service that removes the finger grooves, shaves the grip down all round, and finishes it with "stippling" -- kind of a pebble grain.
I find them annoying as well, and I sanded them down (if that's the correct term) on my G33. I did so as well with a 32 I used to have. It hurts re-sale but, if you have larger-than-average hands, it's worth it. I'm pretty sure I'm going to keep this one, though. It conceals so well and delivers so much. I imagine you could use a dremel. I have an air compresser and sanding tools so I went that route. Go for it - you'll be glad you did.
I did my 32 and 23 with a dremel tool and finished with a file and sand paper. Low speed and take your time. Did a little work on the trigger guard too. Slip a bicicle tube over it and it is set to go... Resale might be hurt a little, but I just couldn't get more than 50 rounds out without it tearing up my hand. Scores improved about 30% also. Go for it...
Remove the finger grooves with files, or a Dremel tool and sanding drums. Finish with sandpaper to a smooth, no visible scratches finish. To give it a "finished" appearance, have the front strap area lightly beadblasted.

You can also give it a home-done matted finish. Get a 1/4 inch diameter rod. Checker the end with a checkering file, or a triangular needle fine. Hold the punch just off the surface and LIGHTLY tap the punch with a small hammer. As you rapidly tap the punch, rotate it back and forth, and move it over the surface. This will give a stippled-like finish. Experiment to find how hard to tap the hammer.

I use hardened punches to matt my steel frames.
Guys, can you all post any pics to motivate me. It's just gettin started that's the hard part. Thanks.