Glock 23 slide not locking back


I recently bought a Glock 23 and have put approximately 400 rounds through it. Starting at about the 300 round mark, the slide occasionally wouldn't lock back after the last round in the mag. Is this a problem with the slide, the slide release, or with the magazine? Unfortunately, I didn't pay attention to whether or not this happened with both mags or not. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Any help would be appreciated.
Is the gun or the mags used? Sounds like worn magazine spring. Were you shooting hot ammo?
I have had this same problem from time to time because I use a high thumb position which I adopted from my 1911 shooting days. If you do use this type of grip, your right thumb may be contacting the slide stop and causing the slide to fail to lock back on the last round. Try laying the right thumb on top of the left thumb if you use this type of grip.
That very well could be the answer. I never even thought about my thumb position. I will try it out. Thanks!
I have to think about where my thumb is if I'm shooting an IDPA stage that requires a reload from slide lock with my 35. I find that the thumb from my right hand is usually on top of the slide release. This is funny because in IPSC we had all modified our slide release so that they didn't work. We didn't want to chance the slide release accidentally being bumped on. If you shot the gun empty before reloading, then shame on you, was the attitude.
If you haven't already done this try it: making sure weapon and mags are completely empty and in area away from ammo, insert empty mag into pistol. Pull back the slide until you get an audible click. If the slide doesn't stay open it could be weak mag springs or some other problem as the previous posters suggest. If the slide statys lockd back with an empty mag then it's your grip.

So many pistols, so little money.