Glock 21, 30 opinions?

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Fred S

New member
I'm thinking of getting a Glock. I already have a Beretta 92FS so I think I'll go for a .45 acp with the Glock. I liked the feel of the 21 in my hand, but the store didn't have a model 30 in for me to try.

I see no reason to go .40 S & W.

I want to use the Glock for target shooting which leans me to the 21 but may also want it for CCW as I just applied for the permit.


If you're big, I would go for the Glock 21 and see if you can buy a few Hi-Cap mags. If, you're going to conceal it and you are normal sized, then go the Glock 30. It's your decision.

Keep us up to date,
I have the 21 but who really cares anyhow! If you are going to be carrying concealed, you might want to go with the G30. On the other hand, if you shoot alot (this is not to say that the G30 isn't good for target shooting!) or like the bigger pistol, go with the G21. With the larger 21 you get a larger sight radius and longer, more comfortable grip and if you really want to waste money, it accepts the pre-ban 13 round magazines. The G30 is more compact, easier to conceal with light clothing and will also accept the high capacity magazines (they look really crappy in the 30 because they stick out of the mag well an inch or so!)
The 21 is easier to shoot, plain and simple, you can shoot a 21 faster and more accurately* than a 30.

*I know I am gonna get flammed here by the 30 shooters but it is simple physics, the longer barrel isn't going to have as much blast or flip as the short 30 barrel will!
Fred , I have a G21 and love it . Also I am probably the only person that does not like the G30 , the one I had was one of the harder recoiling guns that I have ever fired . I shot federal 230 grain "Military Overun" ball in mine and it was a handfull , the few people that I let shoot it also thought the recoil was heavy , but they all thought the G21 was quite easy to shoot . If you are going to use it for a carry gun you might want the G30 for the shorter grip , but for "shootability" I would pick the G21 , you really need a covering garment for a gun this big anyway so either one would work for CCW . If you need a dedicated CCW gun get a Kahr or a J-Frame . JMHO , Mike...
Thanks for the advice.

I'm going to a gun show this weekend and will check out the 30s before i make up my mind.

Leaning to the the 21 right now.....
If you like the grip on a 21, you should also like the 30's grip, with the factory 10-rounders that have the pinky perch. I find the G30 quite mild recoil with non - +P ammo. Hmmm, can't explain the different experience. You might get more oomph (vel) out of the 21, because I believe the 45acp cartridge was designed to maximize with a 5 inch barrel, so you probably still have some unburned powder with the G30's 3.78 incher, versus the 4.6" (I think) on the 21.
I own both...if there is any chance of CCW in your future...go for the G-30 first...

the G-30 with Pearce grip extentions...(just a fraction longer but now your pinky fits just by all means a full size gun, with compact features. SDnR
I like the G30. It is my fav gun of all time, and I have owned MANY.

Most (many people I have talked to) say that the G30 recoils LESS than the G21 due to the dual spring. I have not shot the G21 yet, but of all the other .45's I have ever shot, the G30 is the softest in recoil. Something to do with the recoil spring I guess. I do plan on buying a G21 sometime, but for only one reason: to hunt and target shoot. The G30 is at least just as accurate and a much better carry gun, but the longer sight radius on the G21 gives that little extra help when you want to dispatch an animal in the most humane way (by hitting the right spot).
If you really want to see this subject beaten to death check out the Glock Talk website. I warn you that these people have VERY strong opinions about the 30 and 21.

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
Pi$$ off the left, register to vote.
I found a store that had both the 30 and 21 long with Pearce extensions. I went and tried them out for feel. With and without the extension. I bought the 30! And I got two extensions for the mags. I notice the Pearce extensions don't add much more length but the lip supports the pinkey well. When I go into a two hand hold, I can't feel the difference between it and the 21. The 30 feels good and will make a nice carry piece.

Thanks to everyone for their help.
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