Glock 19 Vs: Glock 36 re: accuracy

Jody Hudson

New member
I plan to soon buy a Glock 19 or 36. I am inclined toward the 19 and some double stack mags. However I hear a lot about the accuracy of the 36. My old 19 was VERY accurate and I hope to get one of the older ones. Accuracy is a primary feature for me. After that I internally debate the caliber to some degree. BUT accuracy is paramount.

I also like the idea of the new very hot Quick-Shock .45 ammo that will be out in the spring or before as I am a huge fan of QS.

I will likely use the piece as a carry piece; if I go ahead and get the permit.

As the Glock 19 (9mm) and the Glock 36 (.45) are both almost identical in size and weight I wonder if any of you have found one more accurate than the other.

Particularly those of you who have both a 19 and a 36 how do they shoot for you comparatively?

I look forward to your response!!!!!! :)
It sounds like the reason for buying either would be for self/home defense.
Both are combat accurate. If you shoot a little left and high on a torso, no big deal as long as it hit center mass give or take a few inches.
I have a Glock 30 (among many Glocks) and find it recoils MUCH softer than my Kimber full size! The 36 has a lighter slide and recoils slightly harder than the 30. The 19 is an all around peach to shoot. As far as 19 vs. 36 comparison; go to a range and fire both before buying. Then you will know! I ask opinions too on this board but there is always some yahoo who swears Spam is tasty and Chrysler builds great cars.
If you are looking for something really pleasant to carry try the Glock26. I think you like the small pocket guns (?) so you will love having a small package that can hold 10, 15, 17 or 33 rounds of 9mm QS. If you live in a hot weather state you will grow to love the 26. If you seek a .45 I like the 30...
Hey Racegunner, I grew up on Spam and I do find it tasty :). Jody. I fired the 36 when it first came out and was really impressed with the accuracy of the little guy. It does have a bark but its not that bad. I have an old style 19 that is also very accurate, but I find that I don't shoot it very often anymore. It might need a new home with someone who will care for it better. Are you interested?
Forget what I said about the Ruger MK-II in another post. I just got a Glock 30. This thing is fantastic. I had only shot a .45ACP once, before getting this pistol. I am looking at an NRA B27 target with 5 rounds in the X-ring, and another 5 in the Bull. I have a nice 1in-3 shot group in the X-ring. The rounds were shot at 15 yards. In short, get the G30. You won't go wrong!!!
Let's keep them coming folks.

So far I have not found a place where I can shoot both of them.

Race; please send me private e-mail about your 19. I am

I like the 36 because it is almost exactly the same size as the 19. Now I hear about the 30 being a good one too. I wish there was a place I could go and shoot a bunch of Glocks as rentals. (whine, whine, whine) ;)
I have and shoot a 17, 30, and most recently, a 36. The 36 is a very nice size and accurate but the muzzle rise - which determines shot-to-shot speed, is substantialy greater than the 30. The 30, as others will tell you, is accurate and a very soft shooter. It is fat, although not too hard to conceal. The 17 (with a grip reduction)is very fast and a pleasure to shoot, not to mention accurate. It shoots smaller bullets, if that's an issue. This probably isn't helping you much!
In general, .45 Glocks are more accurate than 9mm Glocks. The one exception seems to be the Glock 36. I can't explain the reason, but the G36 does not live up to the G30 (shot several G30s before) and G21's (which I own) great accuracy. It is combat accurate, but not a tackdriver like the G21/G30. In this case, I would go with the G19--as much as I dislike most 9mm Glocks. I just can't hit with 9mm Glocks (exception being the G26)--maybe its the G19,23,17,22 grip style)?

OK... Now I am torn between the 19 and the 30. The arguments against the 36 have dissuaded me from it.

Now the question is, how large is the 30 compared to the 19.

I also had a 21 when they first were available here and it was phenomenally accurate. I am leaning now toward the 30 instead of the 19 as a result of the posts here and several that I received privately.

Thanks for the well reasoned responses and for keeping in mind my primary interest in the Glock, after it's intrinsic light weight, low maintenance and high reliability, is it's relative accuracy. Accuracy will likely be MOST heavily weighted in my decision.
I shot my G19 better then my G36, but someone who shoots .45's a whole lot better then I, put 5 round at 10 yds. in a penny size hole offhand. I do not think the accuracy of the pistol was the problem. Can you say operator error? However since I put in a 3.5 lbs. trigger and a hogue grip, I shoot it almost as well as my G19 probably because it now feels like my G19. The G30 does not feel like the 19. It is bigger around and does not feel good in my small hands. I do not feel the recoil to be particularly unpleasant in the 36- less then my Kimber ultra elite and about the same as my lt. wt. commander with dragon fire recoil spring system. If you like the G19, I think you will find the G36 a closer fit. My 2cents.
Thanks AK9,

I HOPE to convince a gun shop far from here to let me shoot the 19, 30 and 36 on a rental basis so that I can check them out myself 1,2,3. However so far they have not agreed to put the 30 and 36 into the rental area.

I hope others will respond. I am learning a lot with each post.
