Glock 19 vs. 34


Hello all,

Looking for a piece of advice.

Which one 19 or 34 is the better gun for carry and beginning competition?

I just bought a 34, and have had it out to the range twice at this point. My initial thoughts on it are that it takes some getting used to compared to the compacts or subcompacts which I am used to. I love the looks of it, and of course the competition shooters like them albeit in a highly tuned operating mode. I am running mine stock right now, and the trigger is fine, but something about the recoil signature of it is hindering my ability to meld/mesh with it as an extension of my hand. I am sure that some more experienced Glock 34 shooters here will chime in with more detailed and better information, and perhaps I could get some tips on how to mesh with it better.
I am running mine stock right now, and the trigger is fine, but something about the recoil signature of it is hindering my ability to meld/mesh with it as an extension of my hand. I am sure that some more experienced Glock 34 shooters here will chime in with more detailed and better information, and perhaps I could get some tips on how to mesh with it better.

This your only Glock? I ask because some folks just don't shoot all that well with a Glock. Grip angle, width, trigger finger relative position bla bla bla. If you're use to other guns, sometimes a Glock will take a quite a bit of practice with before you become proficient.
For many years I shot a Bruce Grey tuned HK P7M8. I got so use to it that anything else felt "weird". It took a long time to get comfortable with a 1911 again, and some guns still feel totally "wrong" in my hand.
Glocks have never been a natural gun for me. I've owned them and sold them... over and over again.
The last gun that I picked up that felt "perfect" right out of the box was a Steyr M9-A1... the grip angle/feel and low bore center reminded me so much of the HK... just a lot lighter. :p

You might want to consider a few "adjustments". Perhaps removing the finger grooves (or filling in the groove low spots) to see if they are an annoyance.
Adding weight to the grip frame. Filling in the web or heel of the rear of the grip to adjust the gun relative to your hand, wrist and arm.

If your image is CCW for real and some weekend competition for fun, the 19 is your gun.

If you really want a competition gun, but might CCW it, the 34 would be a good choice.
I apologize bch044 for not answering your question... I got caught up in the second post issues.

I agree with Nathan... the 34 would not be my first choice for full time CCW. As I see it, CCW is the more critical requirement. The 19 is an excellent CCW gun, and you could have fun competing with it... if you discover that competition is really a great thing for you, then you can reevaluate your needs.


Well, there are many who will say that the race trigger on the G34,and the ext mag and slide release are not what you want on a carry gun, and I'm inclined to agree. And the G34 is longer, which may be concealment issue, and may slow presentations v. a G19.

Not the answer you want, but what about splitting the difference with a G17?
Creeper, I'm the one who should be apologizing for complicating the OP's question with my response. In any case I appreciate your input, and yes you are correct, I have been shooting Sig's, and CZ's for many years, and have relatively recently started working with the Glock Platform. I started with the G22 and the G27, both in 40 s&w, and just bought the 34 a couple of weeks ago. My sense of things is that I need to put a lot more rounds down range with it to see if I can get the right feel for it.
On the subject of carry, I think Nathans post above has it spot on.
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I have a pair of Twin G-19's for CCW, one with a J-Point Red Dot Sight. I use a G-35 in 40 to compete with as the 40 will make Major Power factor. I take both G-19's to all of my Gun Fighting courses that I have taken and am taking in the next few weeks. Get plenty of extra mags for the gun regardless of which you choose.
What's the competition? And what's your priority: Carrying or competition?

If you're looking to get into something like USPSA or IPSC, then the G34 makes more sense. However, if you're looking at a "reality" based game like IDPA, then you may want to choose a carry gun to shoot with.

I also agree with Creeper and Nathan with this:

the 34 would not be my first choice for full time CCW. As I see it, CCW is the more critical requirement. The 19 is an excellent CCW gun, and you could have fun competing with it... if you discover that competition is really a great thing for you, then you can reevaluate your needs.
G19 for sure if you are only starting out with competition shooting but plan to use the pistol for daily carry.

The G34 will be too long and heavy for your typical CCW. It's really geared towards serious pistol competition.

I use a G19 for IDPA and 3-gun while my roomate uses a G34. He shoots a bit better than me but is also more involved in pistol shooting. I'm more into rifles and shotguns.

if you want to actually have a chance of winning, get a 34. use the 19 for stock glock GSSF.

I used a 19 and lost a state match. I used the 34 and won the division in the natl champtionship. big difference
you could get the g19 for now, shoot idpa ssp and uspsa too. in a future if you really like the game get a 17 or 34. probably it wont be the only handgun you will get...

or you can buy a g17, really really good for competition and still you can conceal it...

I use my g19 gen 4 for competition, and finish on the top 5..and shoot it better than almost all the guys with is the shooter not the first need to learn and practice the basic.. the gun wont do anything for you, and wont make you a better shooter if you dont learn the basics is the indian, not the arrow.