Glock 19 Slide Release Issue


I have been having a problem with the slide not closing completely following a magazine change. When the slide release is engaged the slide moves forward, picks up new round and loads into action. The problem is the slide stops about 1/16" from completely closing.

If you pull the slide back manually and let slide forward it functions properly but if you try to use the slide release it does not close completely when loading a round. If you release slide with no magazine in weapon it works correctly.

I have tried 4 different mags so I know it is not a problem with a specific mag.

Any ideas?

I was thinking increasing the size of the recoil spring to say a 20# from the factory 17# to see if that solves the problem.
New gun? Old gun? Tried different ammo?

I have two Glock 19's and a Glock 26, but neither have ever had the issue you describe. Maybe the ammo is slightly out of spec? Factory or reloads?

Some will say the situation you have is why you should never use the slide lock to release the slide, instead pull the slide fully to the rear and release.

Well, I've been shooting for a lot of years and I own a lot of semi-auto handguns; Glock, Sig, S&W, Beretta, Ruger, etc........and none have failed to fully go into battery when using the slide lock.

If it's an old or used handgun, it could be the recoil rod, especially if there are a lot of rounds put through the gun. Cleaning and lubing is your first step. Trying a different brand or box of ammo might be the second step. Recoil rod would be next. Also, make sure you are not impeding the slide in anyway with your other fingers when using the slide lock. If you press against the slide, that added little pressure along with the force required to chamber the round might be enough to cause your issue.
I would say something is dragging. But like Steve asked, new gun build? Old gun new problem? Need more back ground to give any ideas. I had this problem on a 80% build but after some hand cycling over the course of a couple days, parts worked in and have had no issues.
When you pull the slide fully back and release it, there's a small bit of additional slide travel AND that means a bit more spring compression.

The result is that the slide will go forward with more velocity since the spring is compressed more and provides more force overall.

I've seen this in one of my guns at the range when it became extremely dirty. It would consistently chamber a round from a full mag when the slide was racked but would hang up/misfeed when the slide was dropped using the slide release.

If the gun has been shot a lot (several thousand rounds) it may be time to replace the recoil spring assembly.
Make sure it's clean first.

Concur with John about the recoil spring.

I'd also consider changing the operation (use) procedure.

Think of it as a slide stop and not a slide release. It's only purpose is to hold the slide open. You should be using "rack" (as in Tap, Rack, Ready) to rechamber it.