Glock 19 Slide Reassembly Help Requested

Just got a new Glock 19 and in my overzealous initial cleaning I got some oil into the striker / rear of the slide. I took apart the slide by following a couple of the YouTube instruction videos but I’m kinda worried if my reassembly is correct.

When I insert the firing pin safety plunger and depress same to insert the extractor there is nothing that really seems to hold either in place. If I do anything more than just lightly touching the extractor, the firing pin safety plunger and the extractor come out of the slide. All seems to be fine once I put the extractor depressor plunger into the rear of the slide and the extractor is held securely in place.

Is this normal?
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Make sure you are holding the plunger all the way in as you insert the extractor. Then as you hold the extractor in place release the plunger.

The plunger holds the extractor in and vise versa
Make sure you are holding the plunger all the way in as you insert the extractor. Then as you hold the extractor in place release the plunger.

The plunger holds the extractor in and vise versa
I pushed the plunger all the way down until it’s even with the slide channel. Then I insert the extractor. But neither seem to be “firmly” held in place until I insert the extractor depressor plunger into the rear of the slide (held in place by the rear slide cover).
There are three parts/part assemblies you need to deal with besides the slide.

Let's get the names correct so there's no confusion.

The Firing Pin Safety Assembly. It is made up of two parts, the firing pin safety and the firing pin safety spring. The spring needs to be assembled to the firing pin safety before installing the assembly into the slide. That can be done by pressing the spring into the firing pin safety with your thumb and twisting slightly until it clicks into place.

The Extractor Depressor Plunger Assembly. It is made up of three parts, the rod (Extractor Depressor Plunger), the spring (Extractor Depressor Plunger Spring) and the plastic Spring Loaded Bearing. The assembly should be put together (it will hold together during assembly) before installation.

The Extractor.

Place the Firing Pin Safety Assembly into the slide, spring end first. Depress it and hold it down to install the Extractor.

You can now release the Firing Pin Safety Assembly and the spring tension of the firing pin safety spring will keep the extractor from falling out and the extractor will keep the Firing Pin Safety Assembly in place. This is just enough to ease disassembly, neither part is locked firmly in place.

The extractor won't be locked in place until you install the Extractor Depressor Plunger Assembly. Remember when installing the assembly, steel touches steel and plastic touches plastic. So the steel end goes into the slide and bears against the extractor. The plastic end will be against the plastic of the slide cover plate once it is installed.

With the Extractor Depressor Plunger Assembly (and the firing pin assembly) installed, you can install the slide cover plate and everything should stay in place while you take care of that process.
This is just enough to ease disassembly, neither part is locked firmly in place.

Thanks for posting this. This is where I’m hung up. I guess I expected the extractor and firing pin safety assembly to be more secure when assembled even before installing the extractor depressor plunger.

If cartridges are ejected if I rack the slide by hand can I assume everything is correct?
Thanks for posting this. This is where I’m hung up. I guess I expected the extractor and firing pin safety assembly to be more secure when assembled even before installing the extractor depressor plunger.

If cartridges are ejected if I rack the slide by hand can I assume everything is correct?
No. Hand-cycling rounds does not indicate the Glock is assembled correctly, particularly related to the EDP (extractor depressor plunger) being oriented correctly.