Glock 17C Reloading



I need some help, I am just getting back into reloading after many years and have run into a small issue. I have a load a friend that has been using in his Glocks for a long time and all my 9s eat it up just fine. It is 124 plated , with 3.9 HP38 at 1.135 OAL. Problem I am having though is when I switch to my C model with the ports in it, it wont always cycle correct and wont hold the slide open on last round.

Anyone else have any issues with the Ported Glocks or and Ported or Comp gun. Are the loads needed to something different.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


If it ain't loadin' (cycling reliably) eighter use a heavier bullet or put more powder in.

Even up it 0.1 grain sometimes (in some gun-ammo Systems) it will make the Problem go away.

For example:
My gun SD9VE with an 17 lbs galloway stainless rod/spring cycles reliably as starting Point with:
115 grain FMJ 4.3 grain of an given powder;
124 grain lead Lee Truncated Cone TL 3.1 grain of the same powder.

Eighter have an heavier bullet or you Need more powder.
Another option is to seat the bullets a teeny little bit deeper. You'll get large increases in pressure with just little increments in seating depth.
Exactly imthenra

That is what I do all the time. Lead bullets anyways must be seated deeper in order to feed rigth. I use Lee 124 grain truncated cone and my OAL is 1.044“ for 9mm Luger.