Glock 17 Magazine coming out after last round


New member
Last night at the range after the last round was fire in two different magazine, the mag came half way out of the gun, and the slide never locked to the rear. My two other mags were fine. The two bad mags did work sometimes. What gives? What should I do? Thanks for your help.
If they are standard capacity mags, then you might need to rebuild them. If Klinton capacity, then just pitch them, and buy new ones. ;)

Yeah, I got a permit to carry,it's called the friggin Constitution.---Ted Nugent

"Glock 26: 17 rounds of concealed carry DEATH comming your way from out of nowhere!!! THAT'S FIREPOWER, BABY!!!"

Taurus 605: Five hits of .357 MAG that will just ruin your day, Scumbag!!!!
bush, make sure you are not thumbing the slide stop, this will drop the mags right out. otherwise, I have never heard of this problem, don't use any metal mags, it will quickly wear out the plastic mag release. weak mag springs normally cause failure to hold open. mag followers for 10 rounders and hicaps will not interchange. don't know which model you have, but there was a follower problem with some of the 9mm's
Do you have a handall or Agrip on the frame? I had a handall slip on me while firing and the exact same thing happened. Or, you may just need a new mag release.