Glock 10 round problems

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The 10 round mags that came with my G-21 refuse to accept their full capacity of 10 rounds. It is a battle every time I load them to full capacity. To make matters worse, the mags cannot be inserted into my Glock (at full capacity) with the slide in the foward locked position! Am I doomed to a 9 round mag or what?
Not necessarily. As you explained, your magazine only holds 9 rounds, the 10th Can be loaded, however, it will not seat with the slide closed?

Try this. Load the magazine with nine rounds, insert the magazine, charge the pistol, then holster. Leaving the slide closed, (holstered)remove the magazine and add one more round. (Tactical top off) this gives you the 10 rounds you need.

Have you tried this. Load the mag with ten rounds, with slide open, insert the mag. charge the weapon, holster. This is another method of achieving 10 rnds. You may also try removing the mag. tactically top it off and try inserting the mag with 10 rnds. As this didn't work the first time I don't see it working with this method.

I have a tendency to believe you have a 10 round capacity on the pistol and not the magazine.

[This message has been edited by Harley Nolden (edited September 09, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Harley Nolden (edited September 09, 1999).]
This is a common problem with new Glock magazines. The trick is to load it with 9 rounds and then gently but firmly tap the bottom of the magazine on a hard surface (I use the heel of my hand) and then insert the 10th round. Leave the magazine loaded with 10 rounds for a couple of days and after that there should be no further problems. I hope this helps.
Thanks for the info! I posted this question over at Glocktalk and a few guys said to file down the follower arms, the spring is strong but I don't think it is what's causing me not to be able to insert the mag with 10 rounds with the pistols slide forward.
Hiker is right. I use the ten rounders when I shoot IDPA in SSP with a G17. The first 9 go in real easy the 10th is a real %(*&#. Give it a good hit and the 10th will go in.
Pete , I had the same problem with my new G21 . I loaded [forced] 10 rounds into each mag and left them loaded for a couple weeks , they are easier to load now . Good luck , Mike...
I had the same problem Pete. I also did what mike has sugested. I loaded 10 rnd and left it in the safe for about a month and it seems to load a bit better now.

BTW, the magazines can also be sent to Glock's service department. I did this as a last resort with some G30 mags. Glock took care of the problem.
The G30 Mags are rated for 10-rd, not 9-rd.

If you stop and slam the baseplate of the magazine into the palm of your hand after the 9th round then the 10th round will go into the magazine easily. It's called the "Austrian-stomp" and it works.
because of the difficulty in getting "the last" round in these mags, I view them as 9 round mags. I also consider my Glock 20 factory hi-caps to be 14 round mags.

I used to consider this problem to be just a result of marketing pressure (profit motive) to sell a 15 rd mag instead of an honest 14 rd mag. sells more mags and more guns. the ten rounders have this marketing pressure, too, but they also have legal pressure to *absolutely* avoid eleven rounds. So, we get honest nine round mags.
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