Global One USA - anyone ever heard of them?


I saw the ad below on KSL (similar to Craigslist in the Utah, Wyoming, Idaho area). Has anyone here ever heard of or had any experience with this company and their training program? I'd like some feedback before deciding to sign up.

For the first time in our company’s history we are opening our Handgun Operator’s course to the general public. Global One USA is known for providing the highest quality training and expertise to the United States Military and Other Government Agencies.

Global One’s Handgun Operator’s Course has been taught to all branches of the military, to include Special Operations Forces. This extraordinary one day course of instruction is designed for anyone looking to vastly improve their handgun skills and is especially applicable to those who carry a concealed weapon or possess a handgun for Home Defense.

Global One USA has spent years developing a comprehensive shooting method that is guaranteed to enormously improve your handgun skills. Whether you’re a first time shooter or have years of experience we will elevate your shooting skills and push you beyond what you thought was possible.

Firearms Safety
Mental Conditioning and Stress
Proper Grip
Trigger Control
Positional Shooting Techniques
Speed and Accuracy
Shooting While Moving
Shooting Multiple Threats
Shooting from Distance
Tactical/Combat Reloads
Use of Cover
Off Hand Shooting and Weapons Manipulation Live-Fire Shoot House
Home Defense
Scenario Based Training

Global One has 60 acres of firearms ranges located 10 minutes Southwest of Eagle Mountain.

Tuition – $130 Includes Lunch

If you don’t currently own a handgun you can rent one of ours.

Next Courses: May 7th & 22nd 2011
Courses are scheduled twice per month

Ask about our Precision Carbine Operator’s Course
No; never heard of them, but I would be dubious. IMO nothing can beat an NRA instructional. I served in the military for 11 years and still benefited from an NRA handgun safety course, that I took back in 2000.
To me it sounds like too much being crammed in to a one day course. I would ask to see verification of their claims.
I'm with MikeNice on this one.

A lot to cover in one day. And I'm slightly suspicious of the claim of training US special forces in their handgun technique's. But then I have a suspicious nature. IMO The Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the Air Force train their own people pretty damn good without civilian help. Maybe some spec-ops people took this course on their own.

Jury still out on this one.

I know a lot of military guys who individually seek outside instruction. I know some units that bring in outside instructors, or go to outside instructors, for unit training.

Basic military firearms training is really pretty basic, Glenn Dee. I've had a few rounds of it, over a 20ish year span. Some was pretty good, but most was just to achieve qual, and no extra.

That said, I have never heard of Global, and agree that it seems they claim to cover way too much in one day.
Global one usa (hangun operator)

Hello, I am new to this forum. I have come across it in the past and think this is a good time to join. I participated in the Global One USA Handgun Operators Course this past weekend and was impressed with the course. The instructor delivered by presenting a fast paced day of informative training based on fundamentals of shooting. I found this course to be very intuitive. I am prior service, highly motivated, and stoked to have this training!!!!
I would recommend this course based on the instruction, facilities, and real life pace and scenarios.
IMO The Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the Air Force train their own people pretty damn good without civilian help. Maybe some spec-ops people took this course on their own.


Every civilian training course that I have taken has been far superior to five yrs worth of military firearms training.
Hello, I am new to this forum. I have come across it in the past and think this is a good time to join. I participated in the Global One USA Handgun Operators Course this past weekend and was impressed with the course. The instructor delivered by presenting a fast paced day of informative training based on fundamentals of shooting. I found this course to be very intuitive. I am prior service, highly motivated, and stoked to have this training!!!!
I would recommend this course based on the instruction, facilities, and real life pace and scenarios.

No offense intended, but this reads just like a canned promotional paragraph. My apologizes if it's not.

I have taken exactly three handgun courses from civilian instructors. Never anything from a major institution. But I plan on one this summer.

I cant say the same. While I do find civilian courses to be more one on one than those I've had in the Military, and in police work, and they cover a lot more material... I find they lack the authority of experience. But thats just me. Based on what I know.

But I could be wrong... We'll see this summer.
Glenn D.
Glenn Dee,
My instructors have been guys like Paul Howe (Former Delta), Ken Hackathorn (Former SF and police), Gabe Suarez ( former police), Bill Davidson (former Royal Marine Commando), Jeff Gonzales (Former SEAL TM 6), John Farnum ( former marine and police), etc. Plenty authority of experience with these guys and numerous others.
Global One USA

So my friend informed me of this thread on Global one. I've been reading the responses and found it interesting. I actually met the owner about a year and a half ago through a mutual friend. He contracted for me to do some work(automotive)for him at his place. I was unfamiliar with his operation and purported skill set. I also have not given much consideration to hand gun training since I felt it was an ineffective weapon and much distance. I highly favor my rifles and feel extremely confident in my skill set there. After I got to know the owner I would argue with him about effective accurate handgun combat. He eventually offered to let me run through his course with a special unit deploying to the middle east. By way of note, I was the first civilian to ever receive his training. Well, 8 hours later I was stunned. Couldn't believe my mis perceptions about hand gun combat training were so misguided. His instruction is second to NONE! The military he has trained are from all branches including SF. Navy SeAl, Rangers, Snipers etc. I have had the opportunity to speak with them on more than one occasion and get their feed back as to his weapons training. They have universally conceded that his weapons course as being superior to any other weapons training they had received to date. I then asked the Owner as to why he never trains civilians and he responded that he has just focused on the military and never really considered training the general public in his methods. I strongly encouraged him to offer a civilian course. He obviously, did given the ad on KSL. I suppose I could take partial ownership of the posted ad. I"m sure this is a hotly debated topic and its sure to offend the most seasoned veterans and skilled shooters. If you dont believe me then come out to the FARM and he'll prove it. Talk is cheap. And he offers a money back guarantee. If you feel he didn't earn your money then its free. Now how many Instructors out there would dare offer that? I have personally watched hundreds of troops take his weapons course. There were over 80 soldiers out there on Sat as I was working with a private automotive club. I watched as thousands of rounds were fired through the M-16 at full auto. Yeah, I'm jealous.:cool: Interesting the Military men that know him nicknamed him the "Gun messiah". Its true, I watch the Units treat him like a GOD. Sure, be skeptical, I was too, thats healthy. But his intention is to not be divisive. He will take a good shooter and make them into a great combat shooter. Hope I answered some questions. Hope I didn't offend too many.
Kolcan 900,

I have never heard of this outfit. That in itself tells me they are not the best. Actually, I don't know how you can call any instructor the best, they are all different. I still have not heard a name or background mentioned. I'm not saying this isn't good training, it might be or it might suck. Of course you think it is great because you have nothing to compare it to.
As others have pointed out, it appears to be too much to cram into one day. If they actualy cover everything listed, the time (and therfore the amount of practice and retention of the skill) is very limited.

To TRAIN on this list of tasks:
Firearms Safety
Mental Conditioning and Stress
Proper Grip
Trigger Control
Positional Shooting Techniques
Speed and Accuracy
Shooting While Moving
Shooting Multiple Threats
Shooting from Distance
Tactical/Combat Reloads
Use of Cover
Off Hand Shooting and Weapons Manipulation Live-Fire Shoot House
Home Defense
Scenario Based Training a minimum of a 2 day (and better yet a 3-day) course if you actualy want quality training. I'd also be leeary about the 'bargain' price being offered. $130/day is roughly half the going rate for quality pistol training.

Everyone new shooting school claimes to have trained CAG, or SEALs, or SF, or Rangers.... The local gunshop can claim to have 'trained' CAG and SF, they're right outside FT Bragg, and Im sure plenty of high end shooters have come in to take the class required for an NC CCW. Individuals coming in on their own dime doesn't give you bragging rights in my opinion. When a facility can document receiving DoD money for services rendered, then they have formaly trained a DoD element. The old school training facilities attract clients based on their long reputation of quality, rather than boasting about high profile clients
Global One USA

DoD clients you say? Thats all he does. Like I said talk is cheap. Open offer for any one on this forum to come out and back up your claims. And "yes" I do have a reference point. I trained extensively with law enforcement.
Website lists no staff names, gives no staff backgrounds, lists no specific government contracts, does not name the founder/owner, and provides anonymous reviews in inflated language.

And offering money back guarantees is only useful if the student lives near the facility. I doubt there would be reimbursement for airfare, rental car, hotel... And even if they claimed that, there are no identifiable people making the claim.
I must admit I posted earlier without taking a look at their website... which does list a GSA certification number. They also maintain a military certified drop zone, which lends credability to the company. Their range and DZ calndars list both 19th SFG and 160th SOAR having events scheduled this month. However, these units appear to be simply using the facilities, NOT being trained by the cadre there.

I did NOT see a 1 day class listed that offered all the things in the original post. If they are actualy offering such a 1 day class, there may be a large gap between what they offer DoD clients and private clients. I still maintain that what was listed in the OP is too much for one day. They did have a 3 day advanced course that looked similar.
JUST MY OPINION (no offense to senior or junior members)
The origin of this thread was opinions on the Global One USA handgun operators course. The history, certifications, and validity of the company and instructors are certainly worth consideration. The fact that this course is only recently open to the public makes it a curious matter, just as curious as the difference between a senior member vs junior member, (it seems as though the senior members are now holding back).
Training is just that, what matters is do you as a shooter require or desire additional training? It is not a matter of name dropping, who's who, or the number of rounds put down range vs hours in classroom (research courses).
Internet forum threads are inherently faulty due to the fact that they are only as good as the people authoring the post. I have respect for all post (although they seem anonymous), hopefully they are sincere in their inquiries. I participated in the course and am saying that in my opinion, want to get better..than train. This is the real thing, you are not hiring a babysitter. There are two kinds of people, "the quick and the dead". Which one are you ?
By the way Guthepenguin, did you attend the course? If so, then what was your evaluation? I will not presume anything, it just seems to be the most obvious question.
It is not a matter of name dropping, who's who, or the number of rounds put down range vs hours in classroom (research courses).
I can agree with most of what you had to say, with the exception of the above. While an unknown instructor CAN provide first rate training, the "big names" didn't get that way by accident. More importantly, shooting is a physical skill, and there is NO substitute for rounds downrange. Classroom and dryfire time are key components of good training, but will never replace livefire. You won't become a proficent shooter by sitting in a chair listing to an instructor or watching dvds or youtube video.