Global Firearms Suppliers


New member
Has anyone ever dealt with Global Firearms Suppliers? I ordered a Beretta 81 pistol from them. I was supposed to be here yesterday, but didn't arrive.
I've never heard of this company. Good luck.
Here's its website:

Checking two websites which evaluate whether this particular website is a scam or not provided no negative responses, but seemed inconclusive to me.

The website's Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram links provided negative links.

The payment methods did not indicate any charge-card methods (bad indicator) but did say Bitcoin, Paypal, and other somewhat risky payment methods were ok.

There was no physical address listed on website.
One phone number was in the "415" area code while the other phone number was in the "213" area code, potentially ~400 miles apart.

I wouldn't have bought from this "company" if there even is such a company.
Good luck, you are going to need it. That site was not written by a native English speaker, for one thing. WhatsApp is not a good mode of communication.
From the page on Machine guns:

Machine Guns For Sale |Machine Guns |machine gun nerf guns|

Machine Gun, programmed weapon of the little type that is equipped for the supported fast shoot. When you Buy Machine Guns online they are specially belt-taken care weapons that shoot from 500 to 1,000 rounds each moment and will keep on discharging as long as the trigger is kept down or until the inventory of ammo is depleted.

Wouldn't trust them a bit after reading that.
Wow I mean WOW! What a site. There is NO WAY that is a legit seller. I mean they’re not even trying.

Just a quick browse of the site should give you all the info you need. Wow.
I ordered and paid for a Beretta 81 pistol. I've been looking for one for a while to round out my Beretta collection. First, I missed the big sale of Beretta 81's five or six years ago. They had them on their site. I asked via site chat if they had them. They replied yes. So I paid for one. They sent me a tracking number and shipper. The shipper was Swift's Logistics Service, I never heard of them. They do have a web site. I put in the tracking number and the shipment came up. There was a lot of information, more so than Fedex or USPS provide. They showed a shippers name, time and date of receipt and package registration from Houston, TX and In transit info to a KS airport. After that no further updates.
Yes, I think I got took. I tried calling them and no answer. The price was to good to be true - $240.00. Same as what they sold for years ago. I'll just have to wait and see if I get a call from my FFL.
There is no way in heck thats a legit company.
Took me ten seconds to see their Glocks are priced below dealer cost and then theres this garbage:

Are you an avid hunter who sets his or her sights on a big game?find a gun shop near me, gun shop, the gun shop, Sure, you can Buy Glock pistols online, but they are way less appealing for this purpose than rifles, shotguns, or archery. The great news is that our catalog is brimming with all those, too. Here you can easily find your perfect gun,Gun store online Germany no matter what game you are going to hunt. Even if you are looking for a professional crossbow,Gun store online Italy,Gun store online Norway, Gun store online Italy, rest assured that we have gun store near me, gun store, online gun store, best online gun store, the gun store, gun store online, gun store nearby, gun safe store near me, gun supply store, gun safe store, local gun store.

Seriously, who would give them their credit card info?
Are you an avid hunter who sets his or her sights on a big game?find a gun shop near me, gun shop, the gun shop, Sure, you can Buy Glock pistols online, but they are way less appealing for this purpose than rifles, shotguns, or archery. The great news is that our catalog is brimming with all those, too. Here you can easily find your perfect gun,Gun store online Germany no matter what game you are going to hunt. Even if you are looking for a professional crossbow,Gun store online Italy,Gun store online Norway, Gun store online Italy, rest assured that we have gun store near me, gun store, online gun store, best online gun store, the gun store, gun store online, gun store nearby, gun safe store near me, gun supply store, gun safe store, local gun store.
I wonder what the shipping would be on a handgun from Munich/Oslo, Italy ...
Yea! I got took by Global Firearms Suppliers. I should have known better. For two days they would respond to my chat posts or E-mails.

Today, I got on their web site chat and posted, " Well about now I'm feeling like I've been scammed. So as of today I'm posting on every gun site to be ware of Global Firearms, they are scammers."

They immediately came back and said, "That’s what you think? Well go ahead"
Any firearms company claiming to take payments from PayPal should be viewed with extreme skepticism since PayPal does not allow its service to be used for firearms.
Any firearms company claiming to take payments from PayPal should be viewed with extreme skepticism since PayPal does not allow its service to be used for firearms.
I know several people banned by PP for gunbroker purchases.

Luckily if paid via credit card, a chargeback is an easy thing to do and you should get your money back.

There have been quite a few fake gun stores pop up on the internet in the past few years. 2 telltale signs are No physical address posted anywhere on the site and odd payment methods (paypal, bitcoin, etc.)
Sounds like the same outfit that was the only place claiming to have primers during the last big a reasonable price no less. The fact that they only took Bitcoin or other weird payment sources probably saved me from getting bit.
There are tons of on-line cookie cutter firearms sites out there, a tell-tale sign is abundant quantities and/or lower prices of stuff you can't find anywhere else. many of them have a similar look. I always look for an "about us" that gives a traceable history of the staff/principals. If it's just one or two "we are vets and we've seen some %&#@" type site that also can be a warning sign. If they take bitcoin that's an automatic no-go for me. I might add that I've been stiffed by perfectly legitimate vendors; it's the nature of the industry there's always a bit of risk.
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I took a chance and ordered a $40 firearm accessory from an outfit that dealt in PayPal. Postal tracker says it should come in tomorrow. We shall see.

Arrived ok.
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