Global Cooling?


New member
Its mid June and has anybody noticed the fact that it's still snowing in the northern Rocky Mountains and parts of the Midwest are getting more springtime rainfall than they have in recorded history? (Rainfall is a product of more clouds which means among other things that more heat is being reflected into space.) I just thought I'd bring this up as a counter to the global warming hysteria, mostly for fun but with a serious overtone, as the useful idiots are working on more climate taxes. Maybe its not so much fun after all. :(

There have been warnings about this for several years but we've been bedazzled by the global warming hype. It seems that the sunspots have stopped and we're entering an exciting new age of global cooling.

More links, some supporting this idea, some not supporting it:
I always wonder what SUV's the early man were driving 10,000 years ago that made the Glaciers go away.
Where I sit this very moment, 10,000 years ago, had a mile of ice over it.
I dunno,, maybe it is CYCLES of the world??
We've had more rain than I've ever seen. Cedar Rapids, Iowa is just up north of me and their entire downtown is under water. Pretty sad that some people were demanding federal help when Katrina went through, yet not much of anything has come from FEMA for those people up there....

There have been warnings about this for several years but we've been bedazzled by the global warming hype. It seems that the sunspots have stopped and we're entering an exciting new age of global cooling.

Um, Meek&Mild, it's now called climate shift, I mean....climate change....:rolleyes:

According to some, the sun has basically nothing to do with global warming,
shift, climate.....hell, I don't know what the term of the week is....:(

It will get cold contrary to the bleatings of global warming advocates.

Global cooling is a symptom of global warming.

Well, as I sound like a broken record, the GW believers think the cooling effect is the result and we're eventually heading into another Ice Age......whatever....

OOOps....the needle jumped....according to some people there's a vast majority of scientists that formed a consensus that GW is a scientific fact and no matter what the weather does, they're right....only there's supposedly more studies to be had.....

Sounds like to me all of it is lawyer talk...but what do I know? I'm here to stomp a huge carbon footprint that's the size of my home state before I take my dirt nap. I'm making sure that the last act of my will is that I'm cremated. Lots of natural gas used to cook my remains and ashes to pollute the air.:eek::D
Its mid June and has anybody noticed the fact that it's still snowing in the northern Rocky Mountains and parts of the Midwest are getting more springtime rainfall than they have in recorded history?

Isolated years don't make for whole trends. This is the same sort of mistake made by the global warming enthusiasts who speak loudly during the summer months and tend to not make much of an impression during the winter when the general public has trouble believing times are getting hotter. In other words, whatever is happening this year isn't necessarily representative of a whole trend.

Yes, there are always times where extremes happen. Whether more rain this spring is the result of normal extremes, El Nino, La Nina, Global Warming, or Global Cooling is rather speculative. We are in a La Nina year which can result in cooler temps for longer periods of time, hence the snow in the mountains lasting longer. However, while the summer may be cooler, the temps for the whole year look like they will average higher overall.

When folks start talking about weather patterns, they often forget that there are several ongoing pattern cycles that influence one another but that are not the sole driving factors behind weather.
Actually from what I’ve been reading there seems to be a general consensus that from what we can determine about previous cycles we should be about due for another cooling period and as I recall these “mini” cycles still last quite a few years like maybe a hundred or so. Or was it 50 or 60. I don’t recall exactly but it’s long enough for everyone to forget about global warming.

So in 50 or 100 years the global warming nuts will be able to start it all up again because no one will remember the brainless hysteria of the last time.
One Question Or Two

Is there a weather phenomenon going on now that hasn't never happened before? What is happening, due to global warming, that this planet has never seen?
Heard about a theory of global cooling about 3 or 4 years ago. Some scientists were getting a jump on the gun and publishing works first so they could claim credit basically.
Do a search on 'Maunder minimum'.

We know solar radiance affects earth temperature, and that the sun has cycles of radiance.

What we do NOT really understand is how these seemingly minor change in Ol' Sol affect the earths climate in anything more than a general way.

What IS the correct temperature for the earth?:rolleyes: