Glenn Beck want to interview Rudy on the Second Amendment


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I caught part of Beck's program today when he was interviewing Rudy on the democrat's debate last night. During an exchange Beck commented that his email is loaded with people asking Rudy about the second amendment. Beck then stated his intentions on having Rudy on the show to specifically talk about his position on the second amendment.

Let's wave our hands here and assume Beck and Stu frequent TFL. What question would you ask Rudy should the opportunity present itself?
Please clarify with a simple one word answer:

Does the Second Amendment of the United States confirm a citizen's right to keep and bear arms for his or her personal defense and the defense of loved ones in the scope of routine crime, destructive lawlessness, natural disaster oportunism and abuses of power by government?
I would ask Rudy what he thought he was doing pretending to be a Red Sox fan for a week. Band wagon jumping, pinstripe loving jerk that he is. I could forgive a person many things, but being a yankees fan and pretending to support the Sox isn't one of them.
Many GOP candidates like to say "The second amendment is an important part of American tradition." Just once I'd like one of those candidates to say why. Until I hear Rudy say "The right to bear arms is important because it keeps guys like me from getting out of hand." then he simply doesn't fully support it in my eyes.
Whatever Rudy's stance is, I seriously doubt it's anywhere near as bad as Hillary's. Not only does Hillary hate private gunownership, but private gunowners are largely her political enemies. For those two reasons alone, she has a much stronger reason to be actively anti-gun. And any Clinton enemy had better expect to be immediately demonized.

Assuming Rudy is pro-guncontrol. Which would you rather have, Hillary or Hillary-lite? At least with Hillary-lite, we'd have more time to marshal our resources and fight off anti-gun legislation.

Rudy isn't my first choice, but when compared to Hillary, he isn't my last choice either.
Why do you assume Giuliani would be "Hillary-Lite" on the gun issue? They seem to have the same goals regarding guns to me. Its just Hillary doesn't lie about it.
Because I doubt Rudy considers gun owners to be his political enemies in the way Hillary does. Pres. Clinton and Al Gore have both complained about the political costs they've suffered at the hands of the NRA. I've never heard Rudy say anything of the sort.

Just my opinion, but Hillary seems to have much greater motivation to take away our 2A rights than does Rudy. I think it's much higher on her priority list because I honestly believe she considers us a bigger threat to her politically than does Rudy.

I could be wrong about whether Rudy considers gun owners his political enemies. But I'm not wrong when I say I know that Hillary certainly does consider gun owners her political enemies. Given that Rudy seems iffy and Hillary doesn't, I prefer iffy. Even if they want the same thing, that doesn't mean it's the same priority to them.
A) You say the Second Amendment recognizes the individual right to keep and bear arms?

B) Where in the Constitution do you find the exception for New York City?

C) Are there any other exceptions we should know about?
Think about it. Hillary becomes president. In 2012, when she's looking for relection, is she going to be more or less favorable to gun control. Now what about Rudy if he becomes president?

At least with Rudy you can be sure that at least the last year of his first 4, he will act like a conservative. With Hillary, she'll act even more like the lib she is.

Does the Second Amendment of the United States confirm a citizen's right to keep and bear arms for his or her personal defense and the defense of loved ones in the scope of routine crime, destructive lawlessness, natural disaster oportunism and abuses of power by government?

Fred Thompson was actually asked a question just like that at the NRA meeting. His answer was "Yes, it does". No long winded talking. Just a simple "Yes".
Hey, Rudy! Up front, you need to know I judge politicians on the basis of what they DID, not what they SAY they WILL do. What can you SAY to me today that will convince me that what you DID to the second amendment was wrong and that it will not happen again.

Follow up question, Rudy. Which ONE of the following statements is correct.
1>The second amendment guarantees Americans the right to hunt.
2>The second amendment merely codifies the God given right to self defense.
3>The second amendment is the resource of last resort to the populace when its government becomes tyrannical. It represents the means by which a population can stand up to a government that claims a monopoly of force.

One more follow up question Rudy. Can you explain with examples the relationship between gun confiscation and genocide?

That is all for now.
Here's a question I'd like to see Rudy answer without waffling or weaseling:

Excepting your September 11 "epiphany", what are the reasons you have abruptly reversed your strongly anti-2nd Amendment positions on gun control recently?

I seriously doubt he can do it.
He needs to answer questions regarding his past participation in junk lawsuits designed to shut down American firearms manufacturers:

-Does his still support the S&W settlement?

-Does he still favor repeal of the Tiahrt Amendment and release of gun trace data to local governments for use in a new round of junk lawsuits?

1. Do you continue to believe that strict enforcement of strict gun control laws is right for Americans who live in big cities?

2. Do you continue to believe that gun manufacturers are responsible for the black market in guns, and for damages caused by criminals using guns?

3. Would you sign a renewal of the "assault" weapons ban if it were sent to you by Congress?

I think his answers will be "yes" to all three of those questions.
Whatever Rudy's stance is, I seriously doubt it's anywhere near as bad as Hillary's

It's identical to Hillary's. Don't fool yourself into thinking Giuliani is any different. In fact, a good question for Beck to ask Giuliani would be: "How does your position of the 2nd Amendment differ from Sen. Clinton's?" I'm pretty sure that he'd stumble about, flummoxed, while desperately trying to come up with an answer he thinks will dodge the issue.

In terms of the potential to do future damage to our 2nd Amendment rights, Rudy Giuliani is a far more ominous and certain threat than is Hillary Clinton.

Giuliani would have been elected despite his obnoxious, decades long attack against the expression of 2nd Amendment rights.

How restrained do you think he will be in the future if he can consider himself immune from any political damage over new gun control legislation?

Hillary Clinton would never consider herself immune from such damage. She'll certainly favor more gun control laws, but will make a hard-nose political calculation each time and would likely be more susceptible to dissuasion than Giuliani.

No candidate running for the Presidency, from either the Democratic or Republican side, has had more experience and real effect in damaging our 2nd Amendment rights than has Rudy Giuliani.
Every time I see that our Constitution is seen as something that's up for negotiation every time there's an election, I want to throw something at all those that are running. I shouldn't have to care who is in office for my 2nd Amendment rights to stand inviolate.
I'd ask the same question that Tom Gresham would ask.....

"As a supporter of the Second Amendment as an individual right, what TWO current gun laws would you work to revoke?"

....and then watch that Yankee squirm... :D
I'd ask the same question that Tom Gresham would ask.....

"As a supporter of the Second Amendment as an individual right, what TWO current gun laws would you work to revoke?"

+1 and I bow to your superior questioning judgement, sir.

This is the BEST 2A political feeler question I think I have ever seen.

This is the direction we have to go folks, or it's all going to come to a head in the next 20 years. We have to take the offensive on Capitol Hill, or we will each be taking the defensive in our flash-banged houses (or turning them in).