Glasses projecting confidence and psychological advantage?


New member
For the LEOs primarily:

When you first wore your glasses on the job, did you feel change in confidence or an added psychological advantage during confrontations? Did you project a more commanding presence during the confrontations?
The opposite, actually. I've worn glasses all my life, and early in the LE game, I thought they made me look "nerdy". I really wanted to have that "tough guy" look, & went to contacts shortly after the academy.

Today though, I know now that the "tough guy" look is a crutch, and doesn't affect the outcome of encounters very much at all. Of much more importance is your brain and people skills, along with the real self-confidence that only comes with time and experience.
First off let me say I'm not in LE but in the times I have needed one I've felt better dealing with one with gray hair than a 25 year old. Age generally equals better understanding and better public relations. Older cops generally rely on experience for respect not toughness.

Best experience I ever had was with a dectective with 26 years.
I'm just a civilian, but if I had to choose between glasses and contacts its easy. When I wear my glasses, my field of vision decreases significantly because the peripheral vision is lost. I can't stand just driving with my glasses on. Plus, I've lost my glasses several times while wrestling, playing sports, and other various physical activities.

On a second note, my experience with glasses and the lack of peripheral vision could work against you (if I was a bad guy.) I see a guy without glasses I assume his vision is fine. I see a guy with glasses, I might assume his peripheral vision is weak (per my expereince) and that I have a chance to pull off a stunt. I'll give you the projection of confidence, but I'd say its also a psychological disadvantage. This is all hypothetical of course, and I realize that training and awareness have a profound impact on all these things.

If you need the glasses to see 20/20, and can't wear contacts, glasses it is. If you have a choice, contacts without a doubt.
I know this isnt an option for everyone, but Laser surgury is beats them all. I wore glasses for 12 years and had 20/400 vision with them off, so basically if my glasses got knocked off, i was blind. I never felt smarter or more confident with glasses, in fact they limited my ability to do activities (unless you get those Kareem goggles). Lasik got me 20/15 vision, no glasses, and ive never regretted it for a second.
Lets not forget that glasses can also aid against loosing your vision in a firefight. Windshield glass will blind you long enough to loose the battle. Lead splatter, concrete particles you name it , glasses will help you to stay in the fight.

Glenn is correct in that dark glasses leave that doubt in the potential attackers mind.
outdoors during the day i almost always wear sunglasses, so lead spray wouldnt be a problem then, but since most defensive shootings probably take place indoors or at later hours, i have shot without safety goggles just to see what it felt like or if spray would be a factor. Didnt really bother me. I know thats probably not too smart but eh.
I'm not an LEO.
For other than for eye protection I consider the 'notion' of using the screening effect of glasses to project power or mystery or anything useful in a confrontation or poker, to highly overrated.
I work exclusively with kids who are eventually headed for jail. During difficult interpersonal situations do not under estimate the power of the dispassionate slightly squinted '1000 yard stare' and the effectiveness of empathetic, smiling and confident eyes to send the right messages.
Shaun, The lead spray I'm talking about is that from a bullet impacting near your face. Have you ever seen lead splatter cut through the cardboard target backing at the range? Similarly glass, concrete, or even sand for that matter can all be violently exploded into your face. I wear glasses whenever possible despite 20/20 vision. My failure is that I don't wear clear glasses at night.
gotcha, wasnt really thinking about that. I live with the understanding that I will probably never ever use my gun in a life or death situation. I didnt get lasik to shoot better but it does help. I dont like glasses because if you have bad vision, they are a crutch. I'd rather take some fragments in the face (even the eye) than be caught dead because i could see what i was trying to shoot at. But like i said, not something i think about constantly.
Dont forget either that one of the FBI agents in the Miami shootout was basically out of action as the traffic accident knocked his glasses to the floor of the car and he was literally operating blind during the event.
I had a powder flake embed under the skin of my eye while shooting 5 stand with my shotgun. I had to have an ophthalmologist remove it and take antibiotic or steroid drops (can't remember which). That unfortunate event got me thinking about my eyes. What happens when a bullet hits the wall next to me, the glass in my vehicle, or any other object etc.?

Since then I have saved myself serious eye injury in everything from fishing to lawn mowing. Once I had a lipless crankbait hit my lens.......ouch and goodbye eyeball. It hit so hard it hurt the bridge of my nose. Even if you have had lasic wear clear lenses it is worth it.