Give this test to your Condition White friends...


New member
Or, take it yourself:

It's a series of tests from the Nashville Police department. Pretty interesting stuff, and the advice is both informative and entertaining to read at times.

Hopefully everyone will score a negative number (you'll see why when you take the test)

If not, it might help some people who walk around in condition white all the time to wake up a bit
I took this quiz a few months ago, and got "You are more of a danger to criminals than they are to you."

(insert vidclip of Richard Pryor in "Stir Crazy:" Uh-huh, dat's right, we bad...)

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
I am also "more dangerous". Cool.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!
Here are the results for me,
Risk for assault, low, either I am not a good target or I am cautious.
Risk for a break-in, moderate, due to the set-up of my living quarters.
Risk for murder, 104, which is slightly high due to ocupational considerations.
Though I don't carry concealed, I hit the back button after receiving my score and checked off "You always carry a handgun and you aren't commissioned or registered." My score went from -12 to -19.

A police agency giving a better score for unlicensed carry! Wow!

Romans 6:23
The Rock scored a -13 on the first test. A 6 on the murder test and a 48 on the bulgary test. Sucks to be a crook around The Rock.
Ryan: I'd gues that one who carries without a license is probably more cautious, not wanting attention from police. And, maybe more alert...

I scored -19, 25, and -35. Odd how excited they get about a few beers/drinks. We have folks down here who'd probably run off the scale for murder, given how much they drink. Trouble is, they've been here for thirty years...

:), Art
-14,2,13 Not to bad but could lower it I guess by locking car doors no atm at night [though it is drive through and no room between my 4x4 and the walls] alter paths to work and gym time. I hate those damn sliding glass doors.

Cool test thanks Tom
Well, I scored 7, -12, 2. I drive 60K+ miles outside my hometown annualy, so that increases my risk. (Col. Colt is always by my side, though, 24/7/52.)
When I scored on burglary, I realized that I had indicated wrongly about French doors-mine are the false type, with only one door that opens, and it has both doorknob & double cylinder deadbolt locks. I'll have to retake that part again and see if I score lower.
Overall, a -3. I'm happy enough, but I'd like to see it better.

I wonder how they'd rate someone with a -100 score?
"You make "007" look like a basket case. What are you, a CIA/Marine/SEAL trained hit man?" :)

Shoot straight regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center
I dont need the Nashville PD to tell me. I AM the meanest one in the valley. This type of test is a PR spin to convince victims that they are responsible and how could the PD be expected to help such foolish people.

Better days to be,

Good test, Tom.
I just hate telling any one how I live. Maybe they should give negitive bonus points for refusing to take the test as it reveals to some one whom you don't know, just exactly what your home security system is.

I'm with you Ed. I *know* that in my neighborhood I'm the meanest. And that says alot when you consider that 2 of my neighbors are both ex- multiple star generals from the Army. I rate myself over them simply because both are over 75, but I'd still never cross them for any reason. I always carry at least a .380 on me in house and out and I have 3 guns in different areas of the house hidden where I can get to them if needed. (Don't worry, no kids.. just me in the house.)
Anyway, enough ego preening.
Good test... also a good way to think about the security precautions that you take.

I scored very low on all 3 tests - a 2 on
the murder test!

Rosco P... 104 on murder test!?! ouch... mind if I ask what you do?

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...

[This message has been edited by Dad2Jane (edited December 03, 1999).]
My scores are as follows...

Beaten/Raped -19
Murdered 16
Break-in -3

Guess under murder it is because of my yearly travels (work and non-work related).
But seeing I'm a danger to criminals I'm not too worried about it. ;)
Well, I guess I'm toast...

Murder wasn't too bad, both others were WAY out there, if I believed any of it I'd be some shook. What it really tells me is that I don't need to live in Nashville, if that is what their police expect a citizen to have to do to stay "safe".

Lock my car? Heck, my Mom lives with me and she leaves the KEYS in her car!! Get an alarm system? What the heck for? The dog will give me the two second warning that will put a gun in my hand, why install the current yuppie-toy? And if they know about all this criminal activity by workers, how bout they ARREST them? Wouldn't that be unique? Guess it'd take you away from the donuts and computer games, though. Our LEs in TX don't seem to have the same attitude, I feel safe and content.
mine was -21, -23 ,-8 damn im good hehe
i would like to know relisticly how accurate these little tests are though


I think the spirit of the test was more geared towards getting the average person to think about their behavior, and some of the more boneheaded things people do on a regular basis.

It's probably a fairly valid test if you live in a medium to large city such as Nashville. Nice to see that it was pretty pro-gun. I was a little dissapointed that knives didn't get extra credit :)

Since everyone's sharing, I got a -23 on assault, a -29 on murder, and a -10 on robbery.
I'm not quite sure I believe this test.
beaten -29; murdered -34; burglarized -53

(Someone's almost always home and we have a Rottweiler who doesn't like sneaky people. That may have slanted the burglary score.)