Give me feedback on a .45


New member
I am looking into a striker .45 with a thumb rest. Why? I haven't had a .45 in a long time and strikers with thumb safeties fit my hand naturally.

I am finding 3 options: Ruger American, Ruger SR and the M&P.

The SR45 is the cheapest of the 3, under $300 through Buds, but its thumb safety is a tiny little nub. The Ruger and the M&P are $450-500. If I want to upgrade the trigger, which I usually do if I like a gun, there are many options for the M&P, and Galloway Precision offers what seems like a complete trigger system overhaul for the SR but just a striker guide replacement for the American series.

What are your experiences with these 3? Is there a reason for a small-handed, trigger-picky but financially limited shooter whose thumb always finds the slide release to pick one over the other 2? (And please don't advise me to change my grip. If I modify my grip then I lose the excuse to buy a .45). I have shot a rental M&P 2.0 but the other two are not available at local ranges.

Thanks, and have a great first day of 2020!
If I were going to get another .45, it would be a Glock 21. No question. I had one in the past and it was a superb weapon.
I never owned one of the Rugers.
I had a .45 M&P for a while, it was accurate and reliable. Very good gun.
As is usual, I traded it off to get something new.
I don't think you'll be bothered by the SR's small safety lever. It's well positioned and adequate. I have no experience with the American or Smith.
Of the three you mention, my choice would be an M&P based on my experience with the Shield. Not a fan of Glocks because of the trigger and the Ruger, well it's a Ruger and I find them a bit utilitarian.
I love my M&P 45 first gen. It does have an upgraded Apex trigger. It does not have a thumb safety. Happy New Year.
I own a 1st Gen M&P45 without the thumb safety, which is my preference. My hands are long and slender, and it's a very comfortable gun to hold and fire. I installed just the Apex sear in it, and it has an outstanding trigger. Not too light, not too stiff. Accurate is an understatement.

Grabagun is selling them at $388 today.

I also own a Ruger SR9, but that gun leaves me a bit cold. The grip doesn't feel as comfortable and doesn't fit me as well as the M&P. It takes more effort and concentration to shoot well, so I don't shoot it often.
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I currently own a Ruger SR45 and absolutely love it. It fits my hand great, the trigger has a clean break, and the rear sight is readily adjustable. The safety is a little nub, but I have had no issues drawing from concealment and dropping the safety while training. The major upside to its size is that I have never accidently put it on safe while shooting and don't ever see that happening.

There were some lemons out there, but mine has been great. One mag was a bit problematic but once identified I removed it from rotation and the gun has been 100%. Can't recommend this gun highly enough, but the Ruger recently discontinued the line in favor if the American series so I'm not sure if that affects your decision.
Springfield Armory had a XD-45 Service Model with a thumb safety. I had one once. Another option you might not be aware of.
Not familiar with any that you mentioned so can't advise. But I would recommend the Walther PPQ may not check all your boxes but at least the factory trigger is top notch doubt you might need to do anything to it and you can adjust the grips to best match your hand size. You won't be disappointed with a Walther.
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Thank you all for your advice.

To the Glock fan boys, maybe he doesn't like the grip angle.

Correct. Glocks are not comfortable. I also desire a thumb safety.

Springfield Armory had a XD-45 Service Model with a thumb safety.

I was not aware of this.

The major upside to its size is that I have never accidently put it on safe while shooting and don't ever see that happening.

I don't need a manual safety for safety or reassurance purposes. I need a place to put my dominant hand thumb or it migrates to the slide release.

Grabagun is selling them at $388 today.

Thank you for this resource! I am likely to go with the M&P. You saved me about a 100 bucks.
I don't get the whole "it has to be a striker" thing. I have both striker fired guns and those that have hammers. IMO it doesn't make a difference in the performance of the individual gun. Triggers can always be improved over those on a stock pistol and I personally have no issues with the whole DA/SA transition that so many like to complain about. In fact I like because if I have to pull out my gun in a defensive situation, I think the first pull of the trigger being a bit heavier would make me less likely to accidentally fire. Of course I actually practice with my guns and am familiar with the triggers and controls.

OTH, if all you use your gun as mainly a range toy, when you install the magazine and release the slide, you will be firing single action anyway so you will get the benefit of the lighter trigger anyway.

I am not personally familiar with the choices the OP presented in his opening post, but if he wants a .45 caliber pistol with a safety, my vote goes to a HK USP 45. I have the full size version and while it is a large gun, it fits my smaller sized hands perfectly and is very, very accurate. It also has the benefit of having both a safety and a decocker that is very easy to manipulate.

highpower3006 beat me to it. If you want a thumb safety, you can open up your options to include one of the many excellent hammer-fired DA/SA .45ACP pistols out there.

About a month ago, I purchased a used HK USP45 (2002 manufacture with Variant 1 trigger - DA/SA w/ safety) in excellent condition w/ 3 mags for $450.

It's objectively a better pistol than the two Ruger options, and likely the M&P as well. It can safety be carried cocked and locked, so the complaint many have about DA/SA pistols regarding constant trigger pulls goes away.

Just food for thought.
To add to Fishbed77's post, I picked up my 2013 vintage USP45 off of Gunbroker with one magazine for $399. I found a deal on new genuine HK magazines for $22 each so two more mags would have brought up the cost to $443. I bought a half dozen because I like having plenty of spares. Truly a fantastic gun and I liked it so much that when I had the opportunity, I picked up a P30S to go with it.