Giuliani booed over gun laws



I'm posting this because many of the comments to this story were frightening. We should be more concerned about the ignorance of the public than hillary.

CNN did this interview with a room full of undecided registered republicans after the debate, and if anyone else saw that, your jaw may still be on the floor from the ignorance and cowardice of these people. It's easy to blame CNN for rounding up the dumbest people on earth on purpose, but I don't think that's the case. That room full of undecided registered republicans seemed to be an honest cross section of the undecided public, who are undecided because they don't really know right from wrong, and who are undecided because they won't spend the effort to establish good principles of liberty in their hearts and they won't spend the effort to see WHO is standing for good principles in the tradition of the founding fathers. One guy CNN interviewed after the debate said that "none of the candidates had any opinions" :confused: and one lady said she "needed to do her research," which at this point, and after THIS MANY debates, is admission that she doesn't have many clear principles of her own. Another lady was so wishy washy that she said she was considering EDWARDS (even though she's a registered republican). These people were an incredible group of rudderless people who could best be described as "cast about by every wind of doctrine."

Several people were defaulting to Giuliani for the most UNprincipled reason on earth: they cowardly only support the candidate they think "can win." Yuck.

These debates are depressing because they remind us that it's the ignorance and laziness of the public that is our biggest problem. If it weren't for that, our liberties wouldn't be constantly in danger.