Gilbraltar Gun Show Returns

Fred S

New member
For all you metro Detoiters, the Gilbraltar Trade Center"s Gun & Knife show returns this weekend to Gilbraltar North. Last spring the shows were cancelled after Gilbralatr was sued by the City of Detroit and Wayne County in their suits against the firearms industry. Gilbraltar agreed to stop its shows if the suit was dropped. I don't know the reason the show is coming back I had heard a rumor that the and it really doesn't matter. The good news is that the show is back. Chalk up a victory for our side.

I'm not affiliated in any with Gilbraltar or any dealers. Come out to the show this weekedn and show your support!

Although I'm happy the show is returning, I'm still a little peeved that the Gibraltar management would waffle on this issue. They only take a stand if it's in their benefit to do so? The minute someone whispers "lawsuit", the tuck tail and run?

I wonder what they'd do if someone cuts themself and bleeds to death with a sports-card or Beanie Baby. Close those shows too?



Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety
As our friend Mykl would say, "Follow the money trail." I'm not surprised that Gibralter's management flip-flopped so quickly. They tried to replace the gun and knife shows with combining Y2K and Sportsman's shows. No firearms at all, only ammo and reloading supplies, a few tables with knives, and those colloidal silver/grain mill/solar panel/MRE vendors, along with a smattering of a fishing boat or two. I made the mistake of going to one, and was never more dismayed by the feeble, pathetic turnout, with only about 20-25% of the tables filled, compared to the large crowds, filled parking areas, and overflow business to the rest of the trade center outside of the actual gun and knife show area. The gun and knife shows ran once a month at both the Gibraltar North and South venues, subsequently covering approximately 25% of their revenues. It all came down to money, and if they sold us out once for political expediency and in an attempt to cover their financial liability asses, they'll do it again in a heartbeat.

Don LeHue

Salad isn't food. Salad is what food eats.
We don't know what went on the negotiations that Gilbraltar took too get out of the suit. I heard that they were faced with the Hobbsian choice of stopping the shows or facing a long drawn out legal battle against the City and County that could outlast them in legal funds.

However, it appears that the strategy they took was the best because thi hear that some of the vendors and possibly Gilbraltar is taking the City and county to court over loss of revenue. Apparently the charges of "straw purchases" are not holding water. So Gilbraltar shows its cooperative whereas Detroit and Wayne County come out the bully.

And the gun show comes back.

Look, businesses exist to make money. if they can't stay in business, they make no money. This is more reason that government should not have the power to sue in civial action AND have the power of law enforcement at the same time.
Fred, I realize that businesses intend to make money, but it just seems quite hypocritical or two-faced to me that they just sell out so quickly, and then expect to kiss and make up when they want to give their year-end revenue a boost. You are correct, and I don't know what is really going on behind the scenes, but looking at the story as it appears on the surface, it all comes down to the almighty dollar. They were going to lose revenues, chose the lesser of two evils, sold out, and now they want to make back some money from a number of people to whom the Second Amendment is more than a business decision. It is a principle, based on a foundation of freedom and inherent, intrinsic rights, and it's hard to put a price tag on that. Please don't get me wrong, Fred, I'm glad the shows are back, and I'll probably go sometime and spend some money, but based on Gibraltar's track history, I won't be surprised if this happens again the next time an attorney hiccups or some societal canary falls off their mental perch. My wife and I were having a discussion and I remarked how my dad can be a real cynic sometimes. Her remark was, "Yeah, that's where you get it from." Guess she's right, as usual.

As for your last comment re: government civil actions and law enforcement, Fred, truer words were never spoken. If any such related topic presents itself, I hope that you will allow me the opportunity to pass on your succinct observation.

Don LeHue

Salad isn't food. Salad is what food eats.

Thanks for your reply.

From my sources, I understand that Gilbraltar was faced with the high possibility of going bankrupt fighting the lawsuit. So they were facing death of the business. I feel they did better doing what they did and showing what a shame the City and County lawsuit is.

Also thank you for your ending compliment, you may certainly pass on my observation.
