Gil Angelotti and Glock (was Supported Chambers)

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Ryan Meyering

New member
I'd like to continue this thread begun in the General Forums...

Does anyone know anything about the following incident, brought up in the thread mentioned above? I've been reading Glock related forums for a while and never heard about it!

>>Glocks blow up more often than you guys >>think, clean or dirty.
>>9mm too.
>>Just ask Gil Angelotti, former competitive >>shooter for Glock's factory team.
>>Ask him how much reconstructive surgery he >>had to have done on his face before he >>could pass for normal after one of his >>factory supplied glocks blew up in his >>face. Yes, he was shooting factory ammo.
>>Ask him what Glock did about it. They >>swept it under the rug. They wouldn't even >>pay for his medical bills.

Romans 6:23
I've never had any problems either, with thousands of rounds through my G19. I was just curious about the incident related above. Far be it from me to flame Glock! I love mine...

Romans 6:23
The story you posted sounds like urban myth. How could Glock just sweep this under the rug? Was a disclosure agreement signed and if so why was it signed when Glock wouldn't pay for medical bills? I just don't get where this intense hatred of Glocks come from.

So many pistols, so little money.
Don'tknow diddly about THIS particular individual, I do know people have been seriously injured by exploding Glocks in 40/45 w factory ammo. Even heard about a case failure w Federal 357 SIG ammo already.

I do think they are generally safe, but there IS less case support and/or the chambers ARE thinner in 40/45/357, so you ARE closer to the edge to begin with should Mr. Murphy show up to cause any of the gazillion things in the chain of events that can lead to over-pressure cartridges and a kB in any gun in any caliber.

Seen em in 1911s in 38 Super and 45, in Ruger and S&W revolvers in 38 and 357, 9mm Berettas, CZs and BHPs...

As I said, this post is a continuation from the general forum, from which I pasted the incident with Gil Angelotti. I contacted the person who posted the original story, and he said that Gil is a friend of his family's, which is how he knew about it.

I certainly don't have any hatred for Glocks. Also like I said above, I have one and love it. I've shot thousands of rounds through it. I was just curious about this story...

Romans 6:23
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