Gigand Adventurer

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
You may remember my post regarding a neat little knife called the Gigand Spectrum...
Very nice knife. Just got yesterday in the mail another Gigand. This one is called the ADVENTURER. Nothing short of IMPRESSIVE.
It is a full sized folder, Hollow ground AUS-8 blade, liner lock, partial serations, and one of the best grips I have ever handled on a folding knife.

If your wanting a knife like an AFCK or something like that - This one is right up there... And retails for only $32.95!
I would have shelled out DOUBLE for this knife.
The Gigand line is most impressive... Check them out at and look under BRANDS for GIGAND... The next knife I get will be the TITAN... The only knife more than 32.95 - but its made of TITANIUM...

"The rage is relentless... We need a movement with a quickness.
You are a witness of change and to counteract - We gotta take the power back!"

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Well, I'm not much in the market for a larger folder, but I do like drop-point smaller folders that comfortably fit in the corner of a pocket and clean deer or fingernails with equal ease. I've been using the Gerber LST, but I figured I'd give the Spectrum a shot, what with your recommendation of the company's products, and all.

I like the fact that they welcome their customers to open the knives up to clean them. There are few things a manufacturer can do to insult me more than to "factory-seal" an item, be it a carburator or laser printer. Maybe this is one of the little illogical things I hold against Glock, with its "do not strip beyond this point, unless you're an armorer" admonision. Probably keeps me out of a lot of trouble, but I don't like being saved from myself! C'mon, can these things be trickier than Series '80 1911 firing pin lockups? (grin)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to my Spectrum. I neverorder anything on the 'net, so this is an adventure for me!

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited September 01, 1999).]
I think you will be pleased...
The thing I like about them is the thin profile it has... Clipped to a pocket - you can forget that is is there.

Let me know your impression when you get it - and if you think it is worth 30 bucks.

"The rage is relentless... We need a movement with a quickness.
You are a witness of change and to counteract - We gotta take the power back!"

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Okay, it came in today. I found myself in that embarrassing, ironic circumstance of picking up the package and having no knife in my pocket to get through the stranded packing tape to get to the knife inside!

So.... first noted that they added on $5.00 for S/H. I hadn't seen that anywhere on my order form, so be forewarned. (Some include S/H... )

Knife looks great! Frankly, it looks better than the picture. Very thin. No flex in the frame, and has an interesting open-frame design. (May not be unusual to all y'all Ninja/Samarai/toad-sticking/gutslashing/slice-n-dicers, but it's new to me!) Blade shape is good, but I prefer a tad more belly. Clip is very good, but it's oriented backwards to the way I like to cary my knife. I like the swivel to be down in the pocket, so that I can rest my thumb on the thumb stud in an opening hold prior to removing the whole kaboodle from my pocket, as a comfort, I suppose. Anyway, it deploys faster for me that way. At least they got the clip on the right side....
I prefer the knife to sit deeper in my pocket, too; the entire swivel sits above the pocket, as well as the thumb serrations on the back of the blade, and it really gives the impression that I've got sumpin' evil in my pocket, which is not my goal.

Adjustable swivel tension is really nifty, but I left the wrench that came with it at home, and haven't gotten to play with it yet. I think I'll back off the tension just a tad.

Liner lock is incredibly positive, with zero tolerence. 'Smatter of fact, I'm wondering about smoothing the interface of liner lock to the blade hilt with a little dry lube; the liner lock wants to drag just a tad when re-folding.

Ability to take down is really neat, but I'd have to find some TEEN-ninesy little allen wrenches, first! Very pleased with the stainless bolsters that the screws screw into.

Finish is excellent. Blade and handle both. Still, I wish the clip were a less-visible black, instead of the flat stainless. I may adjust that with a black marker. (other suggestions?)

Could have come sharper. I will, of course, rectify that directly. Still, it gave me a little knife mange on my left forarm this evening.

All in all, quite positive (yes, that was a positive review; I'm nit-picky!). Quite a knife for $32.50 (+ P&H). I'll probably take it hunting this year, too.

Sweet - I am glad you liked it!

I hate it when I recomend something and they hate it!

The clip is a tad low... But as the handle is aluminium - it is posible to move the clip... You will just have to drill 2 new holes (very carefully!) Then the tension adjustment will be covered... I superglued my adjustment setting. The liner has a ball bearing detent - so that drag you feel is actually the ball rolling. The Lock will wear in the more you use it - like a good Browning "wears-in."

Still... Great knife, for only thirty bucks.

The open handle - love it! Pocket lint is much easier to clear out. I wish my AFCK's are open like that. The Adventure comes much sharper than the Spectrum... But the can take a seriously wicked edge.

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited September 09, 1999).]
Don't think I'm up for any modifying-- I don't even have a drill press, and my hand-held Black and Decker ain't gonna get it.

Any suggestions on methods of blackening the clip?

I cut up a major passle of boxes yesterday with it to dull the heck out of the edge, and even accidentally cut into a long heavy-duty box staple (went halfway through on one stroke). I wanted to dull that blade. I then took it home, and put it on the sticks.

Now it shaves. (But I get these nicks! A Good News it ain''t.)

I've been playing with the tension. Seems the way I like it-- loose as a goose-- is open enough to allow the nut to want to freewheel. I think that I'm going to put a dab of rubber cement under it (not on the threads) so that it has more friction and won't come undone.).

Nifty knife. It is, of course, $37.25 after all's said and done, though... ;)
The Clip MAY be BLUED... If it will take a bluing... I dont know I have not tried it.

Blued my Cold Steel Culloden Awesome - whole other topic there!

If it can't blue - it could be plated... Find a shop that does it, they shouldn't charge more than 5 for that little clip. Coating companies could put on some HYTEK finsh of some type.. But really, I would just spray paint the thing - let it dry real good and then screw it back on.

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
If the clip is indeed aluminum as you stated, it can't be "blued."

Taking it out right now and looking at it and testing the edge of the clip with a small flat head screwdriver, I don't think the clip is aluminum; I think it's stainless. (Never a magnet around when you need one...) I think stainless is pretty hard to blue, too.

I just put a test strip of black on with a "Sharpie" permanent marker-- will see how that takes. Looks pretty good, really.

Wow, this is getting pretty esoteric, and a tad bit off the original thread. Anyway, I've shown off my knife to my "knife friends," and at least one wrote down the name to look up on the website later.

Thanks, Ko-- er, George!
