Giftgiving across state lines?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
If I live in a state that doesn't require private purchases to go through NICS, can I, when traveling to another such state, give a handgun or a rifle to another person? Assuming that it is legal for the recipient to own such a weapon...

Oleg "peacemonger" Volk
Oleg, I've gotten to the point where I don't worry about such things, so I don't know. I just do it anyway.

Some laws are better ignored...

"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

See The Legacy of Gun Control film at:

Do it for the children...
It is a violation of federal law to "sell, give, furnish or transport" a handgun to a resident of a state other than your own. The gift has to go through an FFL.

Compliance, or not, is of course up to you.

"He is useless on top of the ground; he ought to be under it, inspiring the cabbages."
Mark Twain
Apparently gun laws are like the tax code: so pervasive as to criminalize, virtually, everyone.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it:
except the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." (Psalm 127:1)

The Second Amendment rights have not kept pace with the First.

"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."
(Alexander Solzhenitzyn)
What B27 said is correct. You can, however, carry it yourself and let a FFL holder receive it and transfer it. I just went through such a thing and checked with the ATF on both ends to make sure I was legal. It is not necessary to send it from an FFL in your state to an FFL in the other state. It is mandatory that the transfer to the one in the other state be done by a FFL holder who will make the Brady checks and take care of the paperwork. Consider the ramifications if the gun were stolen after you gave it to your friend and traced to you. Not worth it in my opinion. It is easy to be legal. Jerry