Gift Ideas


Hello Everyone,

I am looking for Christmas present ideas for my husband.
I was thinking of getting him something for one of his guns. I shoot, but don't know enough about guns to think of what would make a good gift.

He has a AR15 that he has already customized, various rifles, a shotgun, and a glock pistol (which he carries most of the time).

The AR is probably his favorite, but I don't know of anything else really to customize it further. So, I'm thinking something for the glock is the way to go. I was looking at a new concealed carry holster, but he has a nice one already, and I don't know what would be "better." Then I was looking at a slide cover plate that says "veni vidi vici ~ I came, I saw, I conquered." I also thought about textured grips, but I know some people don't like them.

But I am open to suggestions.......

Does he have a good gun belt?


He actually does have a nice gun belt.

(though I looked at the belts and holsters in the link in your signature; they look really nice :) )
Holsters are extremely personal... Unless you can pry very specific info out of him regarding preferences... giving one as a gift is kinda risky. Most of us try out a lot of different ones before we're happy and that's with OURSELVES making the choices... so... just something to know about.
ZEBRARANGER, those are great looking racks! I'll be in touch soon!

JK47, you are searching for something I have long seeked for myself. My father, who is my range buddy and my best friend is someone I always try to buy new and useful firearm presents for him. He is also "the guy who has everything." It's very hard as others have said about holster, to buy things for people who are into shooting. It's a personal thing, no one uses the same holster, or pistol grips, or range bags.

The only recommendation I can give is to seek out local people who know what your husband wants/needs for his shooting. We have a couple stores in town, but one place my father actually does the bulk of his purchases. I have made it a ritual during the holidays to get his input on what dad has looked at or talked about. I commend you in your search, I wish my wife did the same, as I don't really need or want another expresso machine for Christmas. Good luck!
Can you take pictures of all of his guns while he is out and post them here?

This will give us an idea of:

1. What he already has for his AR
2. What kind of shotgun it is, maybe you could get him something for it
3. What other guns he has that we might be able to make recommendations on.

LOL at all the shameless plugs of products made by members.