Getting started in muzzle loading... resources?


New member
Was wondering if anyone has some little tidbit of website information that I could do some more reading about muzzle loading and the like. I was interested in getting into it and have read the other posts already from people just getting into the sport.

Just looking for websites really or maybe a good book someone could recommend?

Thanks in advance guys!
You can download the 50 page Lyman users guide for Black Powder products at if you don't mind using up some paper and ink. It has a lot of good information and some that you probably don't need.

I'm just getting started in muzzleloading too.
I bought Toby Bridges' book, "High Performance Muzzleloading Big Game Rifles." It is an excellent resource. In fact, I've seen Toby post elsewhere in this forum!

Looks like you got some real good info already but I would like to ad one thing about this. Check for local BP clubs in your area . Sometimes you will find them on the net with a little searching or you can call your local supplier of powder and balls. He will know about the local clubs and shoots that you can attend. Most of these guy's are more than happy to teach you all they know and If you take your gun to the range where they shoot most will be happy to show you little tricks and tips to get the best from that gun. Don't be afraid to introduce yourself and ask for there help, they will be happy to meet and help another BP shooter.
Be careful, Black Powder can be habbit forming and drive you nuts, Just look at the guy's on here!, :D Mike