Getting started in competitive shooting


New member
So for the first time in my life I'm getting involved in competitive shopting. A gun club near me has a winter combat pistol league. I'm very excited, since it will mean more trigger time. That said, I've never done anything more than plunking, and some accuracy training on my own.

Any pointers for a rookie?
Show up early, tell them you are a beginner, take any pre-shoot instruction, and PAY ATTENTION to the introduction and to the course of fire walkthroughs.

I presume this is some variant of IPSC or IDPA and every stage can be different. You must PAY ATTENTION.
You might want to just watch for awhile before starting.

If you pay attention to instruction, there will be several of the experienced shooters willing to help you out.
First, congrats on taking the plunge. I hope you enjoy it!
Shoot a platform that you are familiar with and shoot a specimen of said platform that is reliable. If you shoot Glocks and have a good one, start with that. If you shoot 1911s and have a good one, shoot that. Shooting something you are familiar with and know works will increase your confidence and decrease your headaches.
Set a simple goal(s) for each match. Your first match goals should be to maintain safety at all times, finish the match and not disqualify, increase your knowledge of the rules, and get the phone number of at least one experienced shooter whom has consented to let you bug the crap out of him/her in the period of time between the first and second matches!
Ya need to jump in with both feet. Thats how you will learn. Being a new shooter the SO will give you any extra help and support you may need during the match as well as the other shooters on your squad
Thanks for the pointers!

I'll try to find a link to the league page. The structure and rules are what I'm most concerned about. Not that I'm complacent about safety or accuracy, just confident in my abilities and looking forward to putting my skills to the test.

Only thing I'm not looking forward to is the cost of all that ammo. I really need to start reloading...:p
Your first 5-6 times out, focus entirely on two things: 1) absolute safety, and 2) being as smooth (which is not the same as fast) as possible. Ignore the timer, and do everything in slow motion.

Once Safe-and-Smooth starts becoming instinctive, then start thinking about upping your speed. But remember that in IDPA, knowing how your gun shoots (natural point-of-aim and rapid-fire rhythm) and efficiency (moving, reloading, transitioning between targets) will make you win a lot faster than being a speed demon.

Have fun!
looking forward to my self-awarded "Participant" trophy

like you get in t-ball. Which they wouldn't let me sign up for this year. My point, if I have one, is that I'm not going to be very competitive when I start. I'm going to be flat out terrible.

But I'll be making BOOM so it's all good.

Check that. I'll be shooting safely, making boom, so it's all good. Priorities...
That "old guy", the one that has all the worn gear and every other shooter treats with a kind of reverent respect? Talk to him! He has been where you are, and many others with him, and most are more than willing to help the "young blood"!