Getting someone to put 7.62 x 39 BBL on Mauser


New member
Because I cant find an Interarmco MiniMauser, I need to do it myself. I want a 7.62 x 39 Mauser bolt gun. I dont want those altered '93 Spanish (or Turk?) offered by Cheapern' Dirt (or wuzzit Sportsman's Guide)
'cause I want to retain the miltary configuration.-on a 1908 Brazillian '98
I Seek a gunsmith that's skilled in doing this who wont heap derision and scorn upon me for this task. The reason behind this caliber choice is well founded,and I'M TIRED OF ARGUING ABOUT IT!

Hey george... some of us here are interested also, can you send info to me please ?? thanks...
I have seen a few done by sportsmans guide and the major problem was the bolt face has to be changed to accept the x39 cartridge which is a little more expensive than replacing a barrel. Why not a 308 the ammo is just as cheap and they already exist?
YODAR...... Cz made a model 19552/57 in 7.62 x 39mm cal. but they are not easy to find...

I am still looking for one....
I have a mauser in 7.62x39. I got it from a local gun shop for a really great price. Nothing fancy, but a neat gun and very cheap to shoot. It was made (built/put togather/what-ever.) by Century Arms. There is a block in the back of the magazine to help feeding and a plastic follower fitted. The bolt face has not been altered. What they did was change the extractor with one that has a longer extention over the face. The problems I have are inherent in putting such a short cartridge in such a long action. Feeding is ok if you don't try and rapid fire the rifle. Extraction is great, but ejection is not reliable. If you pull quick at the last of the bolt travel then the cases eject. But if you do it to slow, then the case will usually flip around and stay in the action. A quik tip or flip of the finger will get them clear. It is a very handy rifle, light and great for a youth as a 100 yrd. southern deer rifle. If your wanting it to function as well with the 7.62x39 as it would with a longer cartridge then you are expecting to much. Extending the ejector and limiting the bolts rear travel would probably help a lot of the feeding and ejecting problems. Hope this helps some. Just my .02
Your e-mail address keeps bouncing as FAILED MAIL If my third try failed, you'll be sent the rifle for evaluation. Be prpared to use your FFL to get me a Century YUGO M48 fromt he UFIXEM pallet
Yodar, I thought something was wrong. I haven't gotten any e-mail all weekend and I normally get between 25 and 50 a day. I'll have to call the server tomorrow and see what's going on. In the meantime, I'll let you know when your rifle arrives. George