Getting into competitive shooting?


New member
I just recently got the urge to look into competitive shooting. I am really interested in service rifle.

Does anyone have any book or other source that would be good for information about getting into this kind of shooting.

I am interested in learning about how matches are run, equipment(ie the stuff you need and why), and how to get started.

I am really looking for the basics.
You cant beat the Service Rifle Guide put out by the USAMU, and sold through CMP for $6.95.

I recommend it to all those who partate in my Service Rifle Clinics.

+1 about the Zediker book - "The Competitive AR-15". The info about shooting and reloading from Derrick Martin alone is worth the cost of the book.
In addition to reading, find out if any of your local clubs have clinics. This is one of the best ways to learn the ropes, IMO.

My local club has new shooter clinics every year (usually scheduled for the first cool and rainy Saturday we can find! ;) ), where we teach the fundamentals of the rifles, the shooting positions and how a match is run. Normally we have some kind of match on Sunday after; I think we have also run a "mini-match" the afternoon of the clinic as well.

The Zediker book is also worth it for its content, as is the USAMU guide. And finding a coach or fellow shooter who can show you the pointers is also helpful. Find somebody who is Master or High Master classified and you'll be able to learn alot.

And remember to have fun!
As for a rifle, is there that much difference between a 1:8 and 1:7 twist in an AR?

I was planning on using a complete RRA NM A4 upper with a 1:8 barrel. Would this be alright to start with? I know if I shoot it enough I will have to replace the barrel and could then switch out for a 1:7.

Or would it be better to put together an upper with a 1:7 barrel from the get go?
The RRA NM A2 or A4 is a good choice.

I don't think that you'll see much difference between a 1:7 v 1:8 for the bullet weights typically used in HP XTC matches.
Of course you picked the one place I don't know anyone from. lol

My advice is get to some of the bigger matches and just be a sponge around the Highmaster guys. most are very helpful. They've been around a long time and they know what works.

I can promise you this. Highpower is not an equipment battle. Maxing a Visa on the latest wigit won't make you win. Get a rifle that'll hold a rock solid minute of angle and when your X ring count gets to a solid 25-30% average trade it in for one that'll shoot sub half minute. You'll see a slight increase in score and your X ring count will jump also. this'll be around the time you start to consistently hold 10 ring elevation back at the 600.

If you get good, don't be afraid to tell yourself that you can win. The best shooters are the ones that have overcome the headgame that rages within themselves.

Spend your money on bullets and gas first.

wish you the best.


I appreciate the advice. That is why I think I will stick with the plan of the RRA upper. It should make for a fine entry level service rifle..

I think the Kentucky State Rifle and Pistol Association has matches at Ft. Knox so I will look into that and eventually branch out into some larger matches.