Getting another revolver!


New member
So, I went to the gun store with the intention of getting a used 38 with a four inch barrel. They didn't have any, so I couldn't help but look at the new ones they had. Lo and behold! What did I see? A RIA model 200! It wasn't at the top of my list of revolvers to get, but I have watched a few videos on it, so I wasn't against getting one (as if I would ever be against getting a revolver in the first place :D ). It was only $250, $100 less than I was planning on spending on a used one, so I decided to myself WTH may as well get it! As usual, I got delayed, so I've been waiting all week for Saturday. Come tomorrow I will now have four revolvers! Woohoo! I'm stoked!

This is just going to be a range piece for me. In fact, I'm not even going to gt a holster for it. I am, however, going to get a case for it. I've wanted a four inch 38 for a while now, and I was hoping to find a S&W model 10, but for $250 I can at least scratch mah itch fer more bang bangs! I will unfortunately have to wait until at least next weekend to shoot it though. I have some other things to do tomorrow, and this thing is gonna have to be cleaned up before I fire it. Unless, of course, it's OK shoot a gun with cosmoline on it.