Getting a Safe/RSC, Help please!


New member
My collection has gotten to the point where, small security boxes + concealment does not seem sufficient any longer(probably never was to the truly determined thief) So time to buy a safe/rsc! However trying to sort through the various makes and models has left my head spinning somewhat. So I'm looking for suggestions on models that fit the following criteria:

<$1000 total(including shipping/delivery charges fortunately there is a large safe distributor somewhat close so I think delivery can be kept to a minimum)

Something close to the dimensions of the AmSec TF5517 size is a big consideration, not a lot of space to put it, and narrow doorways/halls in the house

Which also brings me to a question. The garage would afford me the easiest way to overcome some of the size restrictions and lessened security of some of the smaller safes, however the garage itself is not very secure. So better to get a more secure container that can definitely be bolted into the concrete but in a less secure location, or a less secure unit that might not be able to be bolted into concrete but in a more secure location? My primary concern here is that there are quite a few college kids in the area, drunk college kid stumbles into the wrong garage sees a safe and tells their friends kind of situation.

My next question. Currently my budget is <$1000 however some time in the spring/early summer I will be able to afford significantly more and right now my collection could easily fit in all but the smallest of safes/RSCs. Would it behoove me to just get something that fits in the house now, like the above linked, then get a real behemoth installed in the garage later? Which would afford me both space for storage when the house is unoccupied such as vacations(behemoth in the garage) and convenient in house storage/access for while I'm around(smaller unit in the closet)
How about this idea: less secure in the house AND behemoth in the garage. Put the really expensive/nice guns in the house and the rest in the garage.
I'm presently doing what you seem to be worried about doing, and it's working fine for me. I live in the country now and no longer have a garage, so my safe is in the barn, bolted to the concrete floor. Humidity is handled by a Goldenrod heater and I have not had any problems at all. My safe was from Tractor Supply (For all the things you need out here, as they say) and I think it cost around $650 or so and they delivered. I'm guessing at how many guns it's supposed to hold, but I think it's 12 rifles/shotguns. It's the fireproof (read fireresistant) model. I think what you want and need is well within your budget. Just keep it locked. And good luck in trying to keep your wife from sticking all her stuff in there - "But..granny gave me this locket and it's more valuable to me than your old guns". And my buddies told me, no matter how big your barn is or your tractor, it eventually will be too small. That was so true, and it also applies to gunsafes, so get a big one.
@Frederick, if you read my post that is a already a consideration.

@603 Maybe if I convince my lady she wants to put stuff in there she'll pitch in on the cost and I could go straight to behemoth. :D But so far when it comes to firearms stuff if I want it I gotta pay for it, so I don't think that's going to fly for me.
Personally I would go large now and save yourself the trouble down the road. Find a reputable dealer and talk with them about your concerns and options. Don't be afraid to call someone like C.E. Safes or Zykan Safes to talk with them neither will give you the hard sales pitch.
I found mine on craigslist and well under your budget.


The box on top is a metal printer stand and I cut the casters off. also found on craigslist for $10.

Delivery? Two guys ... easy job.

Lay it on it's back in PU truck on several 1" schedule 40 PVC pipes and strapped it down so it wouldn't move.

Roll it out of the back of the truck and stand it up onto golf balls. roll it into place, tip it over to knock the golf balls out and set it down.

I seem to remember seeing good sized safes at Home Depot. you might want to check there as the shipping would be cheap. Check their website and type in Winchester safes.