Gettin ready fer Spring


New member
I got out in the yard today and began getting ready for casting this year. I had this one last 60# box of wheel weights that I needed to sort and smelt and I had been putting it off for a few years, just because I don't like doing that, but it's the last box and it was time to get it out of the leaves before the squirrels scattered it completely all over the yard. So I broke out the ol' trusty rusty Lee pot and began melting them down. I also fluxed them with sawdust and wax, but that wasn't shown here.
After this box.... my wheel weight days are done! :) I'm only buying ingots or pipes or something larger than a string bean when I need lead. ;)
So here's a few pics of me getting started....




I've been ignoring a bucket of wheel weights in my garage for a few years. Also a few odds and ends of pure lead that I need to make into ingots just for manageability and to save some space.

Great photos.......

Well, I got back out there today, a sortin and a snippin and there was another box under that box in the leaves. So I thought I was done, but I'm only halfway done. I guess I'll hit it again next weekend. 'Not complaining though, it's lead I didn't know I had. :D
Must be nice, "getting ready for Spring" in January. Up here in the frozen tundra, we don't even mention the "S" word until March.:)

Well heck....... I'm off the rest of the week (quarantined at home, actually) due to the flu. I was hoping I might recover enough to cast a little. Casting is recovering and resting, right? Just sitting in my shed, dropping a few hot ones?:) (providing I get over this feeling of death and such that the full blown flu gives.)
I did take the flu shot. But apparently it isn't so good on Type "A", and I got it.:mad:
You betcha, Mike. I'm burning through my last of this bag of heavies in the .41 and then I'm going to start on those. :D
Almost cured of the flu. Still have a slight nagging cough. But I picked up 65# of sheet lead this morning at the PO, so I'm ready to make some muzzleloader balls. I'm looking forward to learning about my flintlocks this year. I need to get them out and make friends with them.
And I'm looking forward to learning about my new 45-70 Model 1886. Got a new MP Mold that casts some beautiful 405gr slugs.
