Get your kid on television!

Te Anau

New member
As The Senate Postpones The National Parks Amendment
-- There is a great opportunity for your kids to appear on Nickelodeon!

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Friday, April 11, 2008

Gun Owners of America alerted you on Tuesday to the looming battle over
Senate legislation that will determine whether or not you will be able to
carry a gun on lands controlled by the National Park Service.

The showdown has been postponed until later, as Senator Tom Coburn of
Oklahoma (who had planned to offer the pro-gun amendment) determined he
didn't have enough votes. Senator Coburn does plan to find another vehicle
to offer his amendment at a later date. So please stay tuned.

In other news, here's an update on what else is happening on Capitol Hill.

* Several bills have been introduced in the House of Representatives to
recognize the right of Americans to carry firearms in national parks: HR
1897 (Paul), HR 5434 (Hensarling) and HR 5646 (Broun). All three bills do
basically the same thing, except for Broun's bill which would also encourage
hunting on federal lands.

* Rep. John Boozman (R-AR) will soon be introducing a solid concealed carry
reciprocity bill. Modeling the old Hostettler bill from previous
Congresses, this bill would allow anyone -- who is recognized by his state
of residence to carry a firearm concealed -- to carry his gun anywhere in
the country. This bill means that even residents of Vermont and Alaska, who
can legally carry without a permit, would be given reciprocity by the
Boozman bill.

* GOA members should be looking for our next mailing, which will be landing
in your mailbox over the next week or so. It's a special issue which covers
the Supreme Court case dealing with the DC gun ban. Gun Owners of America
has been heavily involved in this case, and its brief before the Court is,
to our knowledge, the ONLY one which challenged the Solicitor General's gun
control brief.

The newsletter also analyzes the Second Amendment views of the top-two
leading contenders in the presidential race: Senators Barack Obama and John

Finally, as next week marks the anniversary of the Virginia Tech killings,
GOA's newsletter also contains an excellent article from Dr. John Lott, who
demonstrates the REAL solution for stopping murder sprees on college


Nickelodeon has contacted Gun Owners of America and offered us a wonderful
opportunity to get out the pro-gun message to young people.

They want some teenagers (between 11-15 years of age) to appear on the May
13 taping of Nick News which will run later that month. Specifically, they
would like to interview kids from all over the nation:

1. Who can talk about the right to keep and bear arms, or
2. Who have seen an example of armed self-defense in their home.

They need about ten kids. In some cases, Nickelodeon will fly a team out to
your home to film your kids taking target practice, answering questions,
etc. In some cases, they will fly your child (along with one parent) for an
all-expenses paid trip to New York on May 12, for the taping which will
occur the following day.

No doubt, they will probably have kids who tout the anti-gun position. But
if you think you have a well-spoken teen who can handle this challenge,
please contact Gun Owners of America at or at
And to save a bunch of people time, :rolleyes: I'll go ahead and say it.Here goes GOA spreading their mindless dribble all over the internet once again,and trying desperately to get you all worked up over something that amounts to nothing.