Get the video "Police State 2000",its later than you think


New member
Alex Jones video, "Police State 2000" documents the growing militirazation of our police forces around the country and Marine and Army urban warfare ops in the heart of Us towns and cities among civilians often at risk because of these operations. He documents the roadblocks in Texas,Austin area,by mulitjurisdictional Cops. He interviews A. Philipus, police Chief of San Antonio,who threw out Delta force who wanted to use the city as a training ground. The attacks on Kingsville, Port Aransas and Aniston Alabama(where Delta force and russian troops cut off the power to the town) are covered. Temple, Texas airport takeover is covered as is Hebron ,Md. and Oakland Cal. Alex gets in the faces of cops and military who claim "to be only doing their job". The video shows pretty clear in my mind that the masses are to be conditioned to military in the streets and police support of that military. Many people, including myself have copied this tape and sent them to other people. The tape can be ordered at People are waking up to Globalist threat to our nation centered in DC,but time is running out.
Richtig verfolgen ordnung.

We were only following orders, havent we heard this before, I guess not.

The beauty of the second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it. T JEFFERSON

Do you really think that we want those laws to be observed? We want them broken. We're after power and we mean it. There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breakings laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted-and you create a nation of law breakers--and then you cash in on guilt.


It that printed as a RANT, or extracted from a RAND Publication?

Inquiring minds want to know.
There's something similar to that in Atlas Shrugged, but I can't remember if it's exact.
Which reminds me--anyone see at least a slight parallel between Hank Rearden in AS and the way Bill Gates avoided political contributions for years, only to start desperately pouring protection money towards the Democrats now that he's being prosecuted for putting two products in the same package and being successful? Looks like the result (futility) will be the same too.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
OberKommando, I think the fencesitters need to sit in one of the multijurisdictional police roadblocks:roadblocks for safetybelt checks funded by the US govt(2 billion bucks Im told) Of coarse any intelligent person knows it wont be seat belts the Policia are checking for. Alex Jones and others are the Thomas Paines of our era:getting the message out to the masses about the coming Police state.It is a steady conditioning process. Condition the people to accept any violation of their rights. THis militarization of our police and Us troops training in American towns and cities would not have been tolerated by even the dumbest person 20 or even 15 years ago.MJPD roadblocks would have caused riots not that long ago. The powers to be would not have dared such actions then. Alex jones interviewed one of the young Marines who commented that the older men are leaving the Marines. It is a new type of military now this Marine talked about. It sure is a new military. Marine training is entirely for urban warfare now. I was told this also by a marine stationed at Quantico. The aim seems to be pretty clear. Militarization of the nation. Call me crazy. No problem.
Ivan: it's not quite true that the only thing the USMC is training for is urban combat, but it sure is getting pushed hard in some circles. It's just the latest trendy, sexy high-speed-low-drag thing. Think about it this way: something like 2/3 of the world's population lives in urban centers within striking distance of the oceans. We jar-heeeds are amphibians. Therefore it makes sense to practice the type of combat we're most likely to see. Hence the "assault" on the Presidio, etc.

Also, in the military we're always practicing to fight the LAST war. After Desert Storm, the Army put a huge emphasis on training at Fort Irwin (desert) and the Marines into training at 29 Palms (desert), and there was all this maneuver warfare talk. Now we're practicing to fight Somalia again and talking about urban warfare.
I was a Marine, and damn proud of it. The reason we trained/are training, intincively in urban warefare and advanced CQB isn't to back-up gun grabbing cops. We train to conduct operations in metroplolitan areas because wars from here on out will be in the cities where the important data nodes are. This is expected as the economy shifts from second wave to third wave. Pick up a few issues of wired magazine and read the economics book by the Tofflers.
That asside, you are all correct about the general aims of our rulers. Representative Democracy has been dead for awhile.
Iz It just mein, or iz zee USA gearing up to
be zee new Nazi Germany mit zee gun konfiscations und der law abiding gun owners as being zee new Juden?
Does the thought of this infureate
you,does it may your blood pressure pound?
Do you wish there were something else you could do besides vote repukelican? There is something that you can do that will make a difference. Visit
and click on the am radio adds.There are 5
adds for you to hear.GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES.---So, do yourself a favor and help yourself & all other law abiding gun owners and contribute to Educating The Sheeple To The Insidious Dangers Of Gun Control. The liberals are constantly disinforming the american people about firearms, to the point where speaking about the second ammendment and firearms is similar
FOR OUR MESSAGE AND NOT THEIRS.wE NOW HAVE ____ created especially to do just that. But, gun owners have to contribute to pay for the adds; while the gun grabbers get free press. If you do not contribute you will be partly at fault
if or when we loose the rights & freedoms.
It is later than you think, so - please; choose wisely.

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 11, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 11, 1999).]
From what i have seen and from what others tell me, it looks like the Marine Corp is doing these operations in towns and cities in at least with full coperation of local people. The Delta force(Army) often bypassed civilians in these operations or i the case of San Antonio, tried bribery of officials behind the back of the police chief and the major. Live shootings,burnings of property,and cutoff of electricity of civilians(Aniston Alabama) have been Army moves. Army used to train at AP Hill in urban warfare and even used civilians with guns as the enemy. This is proper. Whether i am right or wrong is important, but we all should at least get answers to these operations by our military on our on shores and around the nation. If it was practice operations overseas, i wouldnt care one bit. But it is happening in our own back yard,sometimes with scary results. Maybe i am wrong, but this "new" military seems so different from the one i was in in the late sixties. The big brass have that almost "foreign' attitude about them.Call it a arrogance that is not American,but European or Soviet. It is just a feeling i get when i see the top brass being interviewed. does this have anything to do with the many UN operations we are involved in around the world and the many foreign troops that our military is training today? Have european and asiatic influences overcome our own philosophies in our military? In this century ,we have ,of coarse had many allies we have fought with. But, even in the Korean War, we ran the show and our values dominated. The bottom line is this: Is this still the US military or something else being formed?

... And your point being?

My response must be along the same lines as several of the other preceding respondants. This is nothing new... Which essentially means I'm agreeing with you.

I believe you're young enough to recall the Eisenhower Interstate System, and that its establishment wasn't for us to get to neato vacation sites.

Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) is not a new concept. The growth rate of the human population and the movement of jobs away from the agrarian sector has long been realized to be an eventual reality. And, this is the logical military outgrowth of that predictable situation.

Conditioning? Hell, we can't get sufficient numbers of the apathetic public in this country to exercise their constitutional RIGHT to vote... much less the many other rights which require activity or face defacto atrophy and assimilation for the "public good".

If you can get John Q. Public to get off the collective dead-ass and do *something* as a result of these post-event prophecies, then I fully support your effort.

Sheesh... are we in violent agreement or what....???

[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited November 11, 1999).]
John Q Public is a total write-off. Not only does John Q Public not know wich way is up, he doesn't care either. Waging a media campaign against the media itself seems to me, the definition of futile. The media groups are a branch of the ruling political class. They hold Socialism dear to their hearts and will spend billions to keep the population docile, nihilistic and indoctrinated. They are the staunchest elitists the world has seen.
Even in "Communist" china one can own personle firarms without molestation and slander.
CDF, you mentioned that in China people can own personal firea`rms without a hassle. And you actually are correct. in a book entitled Assault rifles, the authors several years ago went to china and tested their latest small arms. THey commented on the fact that they would see many people,civilians, riding around on biKes with SKS rifles and going to the range to shoot! Yes, we have a group of elites from liberals to conservatives who hate guns. The problem is that they are in control of both parties;behind the scenes in the republican party and open in the Democratic Party. What are the root causes of the elites of the Western world being so hateful of firearms in the hands of the masses? Yes, it is true that the commie leadership in China never talks anti gun and does allow many common citizens to bear arms. Is it something defective in the western leadership that causes such a hatred of guns? Could it be that the elites in the western world,mostly from wealth and privledge,never came in contact with firearms unlike leaders in the east who come from rural backgrounds where firearms are common? But the most likely answer is that the kissingers of the west have plans for us "unwashed ones" that we wont like and we may get very mad!
Mykl, the doc is right, I wish I could rant like Rand.

Ivan, they play their games and we'll play ours.

Here ya go MYKL

But when a society establishes criminals-by-right and looters-by-law--men who use force to seize the wealth of disarmed victims--then money becomes its creators' avenger. Such looters believe it safe to rob defenseless men, once they've passed a law to disarm them. But their loot becomes the magnet ofr other looters, who get it from them as they got it. Then the race goes, not to the ablest at production, but to those most ruthless at brutality. When force is the standard, the murderer wins over the pick pocket. And then that society vanishes, in a spread of ruins and slaughter.

Ain't it funny how the old universal law of the jungle just jumps right into whatever system is established? Just makes ya really wanna be somewhere near the top of the food chain, huh? ;)
I gave another tape to another friend of mine to watch. he is a hard core republicrat who stills believes that the republicans are working for the peoples interest and will turn things around. after seeing this tape where all these violations of our rights have been under a republican Congress, he seems to have doubts now that there is not a threat to our liberties. Alex Jones is on the trail of the fox or foxes. wouldnt it be nice if Dan Blathere and connie Scum were real reporters?