Get Remington rifle new or used?


Retired Screen Name
I can get a new Remington 7600 for a very good price at my local Walmart. I don't know what they go for used at the local gun shows (haven't checked yet) or on the 'net, but I read in one of the threads in this forum that Remington's quality was better in the '80s and early '90s. Would I get a better gun if I get a used one a few years old? What would it cost?

BTW: I have the same question about getting a Winchester '94 30-30. Was quality better a few years ago, or should I just get the gun new at Walmart?

The quality difference is most likely in the final finishing/polishing. A lot of later stuff is sorta "scrapy" in the finish of the bolt and the rails of the action. Just not as well-polished. And, some of the newer triggers are not as crisp and clean on the break.

This shows up in bolt-guns when, if the bolt handle is up and the rifle is rested on its butt pad, any little amount of vibration will have the bolt slide open--if everything has a well-polished finish.

Many brand new guns are a little tight, such as break-open shotguns. But tight is not the same as rough.

I guess ya gotta feel it to understand it. Go and feel/fondle/try various guns...

Hope this helps, Art