Get politically active!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
In the March issue of Guns & Ammo, Tom Gresham commented, "You either get involved or start selling off your guns." I agree 100%.

How many of us/you ever write your Congresssman or Senator? At either the State of Federal level? Do you merely fire off a hot FAX or EMail, or do you use snail mail? I can tell you that snail mail is more often heeded than either of the electronic means.

For Texans, I'm told that Sen. Hutchison will personally read all hand-written letters, on the basis that they are more from the heart, from people who really care.

WRITE! And edit it a time or two before mailing! One subject, one page. Polite and courteous, even if to an anti-gun type--or, particularly if to an anti-gun type. No "Dear Sir, You cur!" type of foolishness.

If all you do is vote and bitch, but never let your elected officials hear your thoughts, then Gresham is right--sell your damned guns and keep on whining...

Best regards, Art
How many of us/you ever write your Congresssman or Senator?

Well... I just sent a message to Ron Paul, asking if he'd consider running for president in 2000...

I've faxed Joel Hefley, asking him to cosponsor HR347 and HR407...

I've called and snail-mailed various local politicritters who don't list email addresses or fax numbers. And now that you mention it, calls tend to get a startled response along the lines of "Wow, no one ever calls. Thanks for getting involved."

"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil
is not overcome by fleeing from it." -- Col. Jeff Cooper
I make it a habbit to write my Federal Congressman & Senator everytime there is important legislation. A note about once a week by e-mail. I do better with my State legislator & Senator, I visit them on a regular basis as I only live 45 miles from the capital. My State Senator is a 100%+++ and is the one who introduces most of the bills in the state to eliminate gun controls of any kind. My state assembly woman is a ???. A group of us went up to see her about CA SB15 & SB18 & SB21. We were told that despite what we want, she will have to vote her..... well you get the drift. Have spent last two campaigns out stomping the streets trying to get her out. The state assembly man in the next district to us is a regular at our gun club. Have been educating him on the seriousness of the situation and he is behind us 100%. Have thrown several campain fund raisers raising over the past couple of years over $10,000 for our side.

Despite all of my efforts and those of others, we are loosing in CA big time.

I believe you are preaching to the choir here. Most of the folks who read and post in this forum are already politically active. What we need to do is concentrate on our friends and co-workers to get them active.
The real problem here is the thousands of gun owners who don't speak out. So many people, including gun owners, have become so apathetic towards government that they fail to see they can make a difference. They are the ones we must convince.