Get a load of this ...

"... California have already beefed up their auto theft details with the help of a special auto registration fee." That's one of the many reasons I left Kalif., every time you turned around, they were hitting the car owner with another "fee". I guess the
next idea the good councilman will have is to put those decals on houses.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Excuse me .... but this is absolute c**p!!!

We're having a (very sad) run of auto deaths here in Perth at present.

The govt's "solution" to prevent road deaths??

1. Make the drivers of vehicles caught by Multanova (radar) cameras liable for the fine whether they were driving or not.
2. Make photos compulsory on Driver's Licences (they're voluntary now).
3. Make driving test requirements harder to get a licence (for kids).

Excuse me!!??!! These are going to help the road toll now??

It's as good as decals!


[This message has been edited by Bruce from West Oz (edited August 23, 1999).]
My thanks goes to the cops who refuse to participate.

Bruce, all those things that you mention beginning to happen or being proposed about DL's in Austrailia are old news here (CA). My nefew, age 16, just got his liscence (photo and thumbprint required) and, at the minimum, he can't drive at night or carry passengers under age 18 for the first 6 months or so.

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited August 23, 1999).]
Yep, "Load" is right. What caught my eye was that you are essentially waiving your Fourth Amendment rights by means of the decal.

Second is under fire--First has always been an issue, now the Fourth. What next?

Good thing I live on the OTHER side of the continent!

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Heck, being across the country will not protect you and yours from idiot ideas. One of the cities in Michigan wanted to do that same thing last fall but it was shot down. Only an idiot would put a "STOP ME AND GIVE ME A HARD F****** TIME" sticker on their car window.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
As with most arguments, there are two sides to the story. Here's how it works in San Antonio.

1) The decals are voluntary. No need to imply they are a "Stop and give me a hard time" requirement.

2) If you (or your family) are going to use the car late at night - don't use the stickers.

3) Many retired folks who do not drive after dark love the stickers. They know if their car is on the road after dark it has been stolen.

4) Some people like the sticker because they feel it shows support for their local police.

5) Some police like the sticker because they know the car probably (add stress) is driven by a good citizen who broke the law rather than a criminal. (Yes, the cop is still careful, yada, yada, yada....)

6) In San Antonio, there is NO fee to registrations. (I don't know what the stickers might cost - if anything.)

7) If you are charged for such a sticker against your will - that's wrong. But if it is voluntary and without a fee, you have no gripe.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 24, 1999).]
In San Antonio, the "cause" is the meaning of the sticker. "The owner of this car states it should not be on the street between the hours of (whatever)"
"Please check the driver" stickers? Has it occurred to anyone that, say, the sales (or thefts) of new bumper stickers might suddenly go up as the thieves can simply cover the "please check" sticker?
Shoot, ask DC. I'll bet that she has these stickers on all of her stuff. We had a deal like that down here in podunk years ago and it didn't last. The decals were even
serial numbered. Car theft rates still climbed in our metro area. I cannot attest to what happened to the folks who gave up their right to unreasonable search.