German STG44 - Any Good?


New member
I've heard it is very accurate and reliable, is this true? Any actual owners out there? I know the ammo must be hard to find (7.92x33mm), but was it an effective weapon back in WW2? Somebody once told me it was probably the best firearm of WW2, excluding the Garand.
gotta love that MP44!

to answer your question.........I'd buy that for a dollar!!!!!!!!!!
wow an MP44 question, sweet! i am a fan of it, if this means anything to your question, when ever i play one of those WW2 first person shooters, i always go for an MP44, over anything else. is it any good, heck yeah! its the gun that gave kalshanokov (cant spell), the idea for the AK-47. just be happy the germans didnt design that gun 4 years early, or we might still have a 3rd reich :eek:

speaking of ammo, i wouldnt image it costing too much, if you reload. i think the bullet is the same as an 8mm mauser (or 7.92mm), but they just shrunk the casing kind of like a 8mm G.A.P. ! those germanic people loving shrinking ammo!
hunnie i shrunk the bullets!
Also a Sturmgwehr fan. The Nazi's definitely had making sinister looking weapons down to an art. My favorite might just be the FG42, though.
It's highly sought after that's for sure. I didn't see one a Knob Creek two years ago and that place has everything.
Back in the early to mid 1980's they used to turn up occassionally in practical rifle competitions in the U.K. I don't know how the users fared with them though I remember someone saying they were less robust than the Kalashnikov, but then, what isn't?
I believe the bullet is significantly lighter than that of a standard 7.92x57. Something in the order of 120 to 130 grains.
The first real "Assualt Rifle." No matter what all the little ladies say about not mentioning "assualt rilfes," it was and is a great weapon.
If you reload, but can't find any 7,92x33, you can make some yourself. I read an interesting article about it in a German magazine. I think they used 8x57 or .308 to cut down and form it to 7,92x33. If you're interested, I could search the magazine and look it up for details.
I've handled a couple and had the opportunity to fire one on more than one occasion, but turned it down (I was younger, poorer, and mortally skeered that the guy's antique relic would blow up while I was shooting it, leaving me feeling mighty obligated.)

The ones I've handled show typical late-war German craftsmanship, which is to say "none." Interesting rifle, though. A lot heavier than it looks (more than two pounds heavier than the Garand, which is no featherweight, all loaded up.) Charging the weapon required the strength of ten and a pure heart, much like the later G3...
Impressions from rather limited hands-on experience

I've fired a few magazinesful through an StG44 and thought it was a hoot. I viewed it much like shooting a Sten Gun or MP40 -- it is a link to another age, to the historical era that was World War II. I couldn't really consider my experience as anything like tactical training, and I haven't even fired the gun in a match. It was an experience I value, and I'm grateful to the owner of this particular piece for his generosity in submitting his gun to my tender mercies, and for allowing me to burn a fairly large number of his rather dear cartridges.

Impressions? Controlable rate of fire, adequate power for the mission, superior placement of safety and selector, compared to the AK47/AKM series. Both are handy to the thumb, without moving the firing hand. I think the left-side position of the bolt handle is superior as well. I believe the actual firing of the AK is easier than the StG44, but then I've shot AKs a lot more.

I cannot make educated comment on the potential long range accuracy of the StG, having shot it at about 50 yards max. A purely subjective impression: I cannot believe it has the intrinsic accuracy to make it an even marginal "sniper rifle," no matter what sights are fitted. Area fire to 300 -- 400 meters? Sure, but NOT pick out an enemy and take him down accurate at that range. That's okay; neither is any SMG, or even the US Carbine M1. This family of weapons were the original mass produced Sturmgewehrs, ASSAULT rifles, some of the few properly deserving that nomenclature.
Somebody once told me it was probably the best firearm of WW2, excluding the Garand.
I respectfully doubt that. Not gainsaying that this series is a benchmark in firearms development, I believe they came, made their contribution, and departed. We must note that they were never picked up in production after WWII. The AK47, with its entirely different locking system and "peasant proof" construction, was far superior in the long run. During WWII? The StG didn't successfully combine the best characteristics of the SMG and battle rifle weapons systems. Short range, high volume fire was better provided by the MP40, the Thompson, the PPSh series, and yes, even the Sten and M3. If you rule out the M1 Garand, the runnerup would probably be the GEW43 - - rather long, rather heavy, semiauto only, but accurate, powerful, and reliable.

Like the first generation SMGs (Thompsons,) the StG44 had its niche, filled it pretty well, and then progress passed it by. Today, there are at least a half dozen designs which would serve the soldier better.

Best regards,
The StG 44 was my first firearm (good start, ey?). Shot very sweet, very accurate at 100 m. In private matches, shooting over iron sights, I beat many of my buddies. Had to knock it off, though, due to changes in legislation. The recollection still hurts ...
The StG 44 is quite controllable both because of the stock setup and because, as someone else said, it is heavy! It is a lot heavier than the AK-47 and the round is less powerful. Rattles like heck, though, with that sheet steel receiver.

I believe that Cole Distributing is offering new manufactured 7.69x33 Kurz ammunition. Also, I think hornady may make this caliber.
StG-44's are evidently still in use in the Middle East, judging from photographs, though there can't be many of them. Interesting how such things never quite go away.

On the other hand, I've never seen a photo of a bolt action (US sniper rifles excluded) in use there or of any WWII full size semi-auto rifle.
Somebody once told me it was probably the best firearm of WW2, excluding the Garand

Given different circumstances, I think it could have been.

It was intended to be the standard issue infantry weapon, but production difficulties, and Hitler's initial distaste for the weapon never allowed that to occur. Also, ammo supply problems made it difficult for those that were issued to be properly used.
Had the Germans been better able to mass produce the gun, and it's ammo, it would have put full auto into the hands of every soldier, and might have been very effective against the Soviet mass charges.

As we all know, the basic design concept is the standard today.
Cabela's carries the 7.92x33 for a little more than $22 a box, Hornady Metric Calibers. I wonder how many they sell.

I would suggest that critics of both this rifle and other such weapons, including the AK and the M16, are looking at things the wrong way. It is a mistake to look at any rifle as something for every purpose. Ultimately, that will involve too much compromise and there is already enough compromise anyway. Besides, a weapon choice does not have to be an either-or situation. You can have your assault rifle, your sniper rifle and your machine guns. I personally think the submachine gun has been made obsolesent by the smaller rifles like the M4 but they are still very popular in some circles.

And speaking of submachine guns, there was on display at an armed forces exhibition on the Mall in Washington, D.C., about four or five years ago, a WWII German MP40 submachine gun (or similar model). It was at the Special Forces table, so presumably there must be a number of antiques like that still around because enough people think enough of them to hang onto them.

I wonder if anyone still uses Madsen machine guns?
Fun Fun Fun to shoot. If you didn't know any better, you'd think it was an HK ;) Controlable, though the forearm gets warm quickly. If you want to reload, you can use 308 and 30-06 brass, chopped down.