german k98 sniper repo

Hi Sean

Lovely rifle.

But in my humble opinion (OK, nothing humble about it, you got me) that is certainly not a reproduction

It's a rifle that has been scoped. Nothing "reproduction" about the scope unless the nazis were using Weavers :rolleyes:

It's a Russian capture piece that has been "improved" according to somebody's tastes. Not saying it's right or wrong, but I will say that using non-period parts to make a rifle makes it a Custom, not a reproduction.

That said, the rifle in question would look remarkable good in my cabinet. My understanding is that the scope will not alter its status as a C&R BUT if I were buying it I would dig up the literature that the BATFE sent me and verify that. There's a section on altering a weapon
German military snipers used almost exclusively side mount scopes to maintain the ability to use stripper clips, so any real reproduction should have that feature. And the scope should be a zielvier (which are produced in repro, so be aware that even with it it might not be a true WWII gun) for the authentic look.
Nice looking rifle, but its just a captured k98 that someone put a 2 Piece base and a scope on.
From one picture it looks like the safety will not work because it will hit the scope, so I asume they just keep it on fire all the time.
One thing for sure though it has a nice bore, and with an aftermarket safety, and some lower rings that would be a dandy hunting rifle.
Advertisement claims the safety will engage, but it looks like only partly.

Snipper nonsense aside, it is a typical Bubbagun set up for an American to shoot a surplus rifle with a scope because he either does not know how to use iron sights or is too old to see sights meant for teenage privates.
Sniper like K98


He says "patterned after" in his description. He should have probably
been clearer in his description.

This just looks like a rifle someone built up to look like a K98 sniper.
Looks nice too. And a heck of a lot cheaper than a LSR or much less
a high turret sniper (which this kind of looks like).

There is no way you could build this gun for $350. That's laughable.
Ad it up. I doubt if you could build this for what he is asking unless
you do it yourself. Looks like a fun gun to snipe deer with.


good shooting, dxr

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He says "patterned after" in his description

Hi Doc

The seller edited the description. It certainly read differently when I looked the other day; no "faux sniper repro" or "patterned after" present when I first read it :)

I'd still own it. But I'd pay about 350 I think, provided it was proven it worked the way he says it works. Not sure I'm sure it can work the way he says it does but I am not a K98 authority

Hey CB

If you've got any like that for $350, I'll buy 50 of them.


I bet he sells this gun and the owner will be happy.


Oh, no doubt

If I had any, I wouldn't sell them :D

But at a price higher than about 350, I'd need a lot more than a nice paragraph online to assure me that the scope was mounted properly, I can still load the rifle properly, the trigger works as described and the safety works as advertised. In my opinion, I'm supposed to take a whole lot on faith if I was bidding, and the rifle isn't worth what the bidding reflects given that viewpoint, in my opinion. It's a gamble to me. maybe if I could handle it I'd feel differently. Certainly a handsome rifle

Yeah, but those are points that could be applied to just
about any rifle on Gunbroker. This seller has stellar
feedback, I would cut some slack for that. Yeah, it's
a purty girl all right. I'm starting to take a shine to it
myself with all this !


I don't think its a mauser anymore. I guess in its simplest form it is, (action) and its the correct length but when you change out the trigger and add a popular American hunting scope, it just ruins the whole mauser experience for me. I suppose I'm just a purist. I too think his price is way out of line.
German military snipers used almost exclusively side mount scopes to maintain the ability to use stripper clips, so any real reproduction should have that feature. And the scope should be a zielvier (which are produced in repro, so be aware that even with it it might not be a true WWII gun) for the authentic look.

Not quite. Flip through Peter Senich's book The German Sniper. There's also Richard Law's book, Backbone of the Wehrmacht, Vol II, that exclusively covers the sniper variations of the Mauser 98K. I've a third book that is from Europe and is almost exclusively pictures, but I'm too lazy to go downstairs to get it.
Turret Sniper


Yeah, you are talking about a K98 turret sniper. This is probably the
rifle type the auction lister was "patterning" his rifle after --


Well ; in regards to the reproduction sniper 98k's..... the LSR and High turret mount systems are good quality , but the reproduction Zf39 scopes are junk...they have no durability ... they damage easily unlike the real Zf39's.
The only sidemount scopes I have ever seen on german snipers date from the myriad of oddballs the germans fielded in the great war. They got away from that idiocy totally in the 2nd war. Only charger loadable 98k sniper known was an experimental sauer rifle that had a charger guide made on something like a 45 degree angle to clear the over bore scope.