German journalist willing to learn to shoot

Hi all,

For German weekly magazine „Stern“ („Star“, 600.000 print copies weekly, 60 million monthly users online) I am working on a story about guns.

I never fired a gun in my life. Now I want to learn how to do it, understand the fascination, get the idea. Hands on.

I will be in the US from the 15th of January on (Los Angeles and Las Vegas). I would really like to meet a gun enthusiast, preferably near Las Vegas, who can take me shooting, safely, of course. The bigger, the better. And who maybe is happy to discuss gun laws, politics etc.
I´ll bring a photographer for strong visual material as well.

Any help from your side is highly appreciated. I am looking forward to getting in touch.

Best regards,
Friedemann Karig
Can't help you with giving lessons, etc.

But I wonder why you must come learn
in U.S. when Germany has shooting clubs
with handguns and rifles and shotguns.

I understand, though, why you might wish
to talk to Americans regarding U.S. gun laws,
politics, etc.
Funny - I work in a university environment, so we often have European visitors, and they all seem to want to do two things when in the U.S. - drive a big truck and shoot a gun.

I've been tapped numerous times to take a European visitor to the gun range - and it's interesting that regardless of their political leanings and their stance on gun control in their home country, they want to shoot a gun when they have the opportunity. They've always enjoyed doing so, and for their social media account, they also want a picture of themselves holding a gun while standing next to a big truck. :D

Good luck in your search Freidemann & I hope you find the experience fun, safe and educational.
Before I retired I was the director of quality for a very large international company that produced automotive products. We had suppliers all over the world. About two or three times a month one of them would come to the U.S. for business and I'd be asked to entertain them after business hours. I got tired of taking them to see the Falls, golfing, and dinner. I ended up taking them all out to shoot sporting clays and skeet. Every single one of them loved it. Every time they came back they'd want to know if I was going to take them shooting. Many of them lived in places where gun control was really strict and they'd never even held a gun before. What used to be a chore for me turned into a lot of fun. I got to do a lot of shooting on the company's dime.
friedemannkarig said:
I will be in the US from the 15th of January on (Los Angeles and Las Vegas).
So you're going to the SHOT Show, I presume? Industry Day at the Range is Monday, January 22. Have you signed up for that?
I might be able to do this on Sunday or Monday if you're still in L.A.

I'll check to see if the range is open, I'll update tomorrow after I call them and find out.

Keep an eye on the thread for info.
I've been tapped numerous times to take a European visitor to the gun range - and it's interesting that regardless of their political leanings and their stance on gun control in their home country, they want to shoot a gun when they have the opportunity.

My daughter became close friends with a young lady raised in Belgium and now living in Germany, who has visited here twice. On her first visit my wife and I asked her if she wanted to go to a range, and she eagerly accepted and did quite well. On her second visit, she stayed with us for several days, and she asked on arrival if we would take her shooting again. We did, of course, and while staying with us, she showed interest in my reloading press, learned to run it, and made a box of pistol ammo, under my supervision, that I promised to save for her to shoot on her next visit.
Called the range and the recording says as of 01/15 they are back open.

Looking at work (I'm in call) I should be going out tomorrow which will probably have me back late night Saturday or early Sunday morning. Which means I could still possibly make it before they open. It's better to be there early to get a bench as the weekends are packed. I'll be there hopefully before 8 am at the far end of the rifle range. I'll send you an email with some more info.

So go to to get directions and I'll keep updating to let you know what's happening. I'm not sure if the range has eye and hearing protection, you'll need both. Go to a local Walmart as they will have both relatively cheap.
And nobody is working on a story critical about gun people in the United States that might benefit from questioning non professionals about gun laws and all?
Likely so, as his publication is left of center. On the other hand, as the saying goes, the best way to fight gun control is to teach an anti to shoot. It creates converts or at least causes some ambivalence, softening their old convictions.
If he is serious, he should get a hunting license from one of the US states. As per federal laws, a foreign national is prohibited from pocessing forearms. Hunting license exempts him from such prohibitions.

Giving a foreign national instructions on use of firearms could also be dicey. Something to do with ITAR.

Is it likely one will get into troubles? Highly unlikely, if nothing goes wrong. Is it far fetched? Maybe, but perhaps not much so if it is on open forum for the whole world to see. Just be careful. You could be breaking laws without knowing it. Do your own research before getting yourself involved. That's what I can say.

It is gun controls right here. Anyone can get his hands on guns in America? Not quite.

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Anyone can get his hands on guns in America? Not quite.

Anyone can get their hands on anything in America. All it takes is the desire, and enough money.

Doing it legally, is an entirely different and more specific matter.
Oops. Didn't see that one till now, Unclenick. Stupid auto correction. Funny to think about it though. Firearms I meant.


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We talked via email, he said that he was going to do some shooting with some people in Colorado.

Maybe next time? I'm not worried about what a German magazine thinks, winning heart's and minds or changing them is the best thing.