Geraldine Ferraro


New member
Just heard on the evening news that Geraldine Ferraro said she may vote McCain/Palin this election!!
Wow, talk about Hillary supporters throwing their support to McCain!!
She was pretty complimentary to Palin and said what she doesn't know she'll learn quickly and she seems pretty smart.
This endorsement would be let down for BO and Biden for sure.

Caught just a bit of something like that too. Anything resembling a compliment or endorsement about Palin by a Democrat as well known as Ferraro certainly won't make the Obama camp too happy.

Could McCain have actually known what he was doing???
The Obama camp went out of their way to paint her as a racist several months back after she made some remarks regarding how he got to where he is (you can look these up and form your own opinion). I wouldn't be surprised if she was willing to do something that might help to take a little of the wind out of their sails....
For all we know it could be the kiss of death. Remember she was the first Female VP candidate. Mondale/Ferraro lost by a landslide.
Just heard on the evening news that Geraldine Ferraro said she may vote McCain/Palin this election!!

Are you sure you heard correctly, dipper? All I read was that she merely complimented Palin, not endorsing her as VP.
Part of this is that Ferraro has a temper & long memory. She was not a happy camper when the Obama camp accused her of racism. This may be payback time.

I concur with pay back on this one.
I guess her stating that her decision will probably be made when she goes to the booth would definitely be an indication she's considering jumping the Democrat's ship.

I don't know how much pull she really has in politics these days. It could backfire on her credibility. I really don't see any similarities in her beliefs as Palin's. The only standout is the fact she's a woman on a ticket. How will Ferraro explain her reasoning on voting Republican if this is the case?
I don't know how much pull she really has in politics these days.

I don't know either, but this is a no loose for Palin. If Ferraro does back Palin, then she will probably bring some votes along. I see no reason why her backing Palin would cause any lost votes...only gained votes.
Very interesting---thanks for that Madmag.
Don't know if it's a bigger deal than Ferraro but it could be for sure.
Seems like some of the talk from the Dems was/is true---there are going to be defectors from the party.
Dude says there is " A LOT" of Dems with him---I guess you have to believe it.
Wouldn't have put he and Greta together!!
Funny, his concerns seemed to echo much of what is said here.

Surprised the 'deflection' by Hillary's supporter hasn't gotten more press. The Newsweek reporter sure didn't seem happy with it.

thanks madmag
Surprised the 'deflection' by Hillary's supporter hasn't gotten more press. The Newsweek reporter sure didn't seem happy with it.

Well, it wouldn't be. That kind of news is probably a pretty damming blow to the Democratic party, especially since Hillary is still supporting the Dems and Obama. With as much turmoil as they were in during the primaries, revisiting that would really jeopardize the stability and support of Obama's run.

And again MSM is not going to do anything that's going to hurt BOs chances as much as they'd do McCain.

That Newsweek reporter was kinda scary. I thought she was going to bull rush poor John there during the interview.

McCain/Palin need to keep hammering working across-the-isle messages. Especially while Pelosi is holding the House hostage. Wouldn't hurt to remind the public about the vacation they took while Republicans were still trying to come to a vote about drilling. Makes the Dems look pretty bad like they're poor sports and unwilling to play nice together.
I saw her on some show in the past two or three days, and she said she's supporting the Democrat ticket. That's what she says, anyway. When she gets in the voting booth, who knows?
Why shouldn't a democrat vote for Mccain. He courted their favor by turning his back on conservative voters for years. Frankly, I am amazed that he does not have a larger democrat vote in the polls.
Wow, that video was impressive. He makes a number of interesting points. My total speculation is that there's a lot of supporting shifting to McCain, which drives the neo-liberal democrats, as well as the neo-libertarians ("we're conservative, and nobody else is, and only we can define conservative!!! :rolleyes:) absolutely crazy. We'll have to see how this shakes out, but I don't think many people predicted that the race would go like it is going. Pretty interesting.