Georgia turkey season opener!

Jack Straw

New member
Well who did better than I did (Peach state or elsewhere)? I heard several gobblers but didn't see the first feather. I thought my chances were pretty good. My dad and I hunted together and at daylight we heard two very talkative toms, so we set up so that one of us was on each side of a creek with one bird upstream and one downstream, both about 150 yards away. We figured that with that setup, one of us was just about guaranteed to take something. No such luck. They both shut up about 45 minutes later and departed for parts unknown. We heard singular gobbles throughout the rest of the morning, but nothing seemed very interested in our calls.

My uncle had a close call. At 6:30AM, he had a big tom within 25yds, but couldn't get a shot with his bow (which was quickly replaced with his Mossberg for the rest of the day). The neat thing is that my cousin caught it all on video. I haven't seen it, but dad said it was a nice tom and that you can clearly see and hear the tom strutting, gobbling, and drumming.

I hope the nice weather is here again Saturday; I'm fired up and ready to go again!
