Georgia to Conn. gunmakers - "Y'all Come"


New member
Good ideas, spoken in legislativese.

Bill Status - HR 380

Connecticut arms manufacturers; invite to relocate to Georgia

1. Franklin 39th 2. Joyce 1st 3. Davis 60th

House Comm: Ind / Senate Comm: /
House Vote: Yeas Nays Senate Vote: Yeas Nays
House Action Senate
3/1/99 Read 1st Time
3/2/99 Read 2nd Time
3/22/99 Favorably Reported
3/24/99 Recommitted

Code Sections amended:
First Reader
1. Franklin 39th 2. Joyce 1st 3. Davis 60th

HR 380

A RESOLUTION inviting Connecticut arms manufacturers to relocate to Georgia; and for other purposes.

Full Text

HR 380 LC 21 5426T


1 Inviting Connecticut arms manufacturers to relocate to
2 Georgia; and for other purposes.

3 WHEREAS, the natural right of self-preservation and
4 self-defense begets the fundamental right of people to keep
5 and bear arms against such times when the laws and sanctions
6 of society are found insufficient to restrain the violence
7 of oppression; and

8 WHEREAS, Article I, Section I, Paragraph VIII of the
9 Constitution of the State of Georgia proclaims: "The right
10 of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,
11 but the General Assembly shall have the power to prescribe
12 the manner in which arms may be borne"; and

13 WHEREAS, the manufacture of arms is a lawful, legitimate,
14 honorable, and praiseworthy endeavor; and

15 WHEREAS, this manufacture has been conducted in large and
16 small ways in America from our earliest history as a nation
17 and before; and

18 WHEREAS, said manufacture played no small part in the
19 winning of our Independence and manufacture of small arms
20 for civilian use provided the industrial base for the
21 manufacture of state-of-the-art arms needed for victory in
22 both world wars; and

23 WHEREAS, arms manufacture has been on the leading edge of
24 industrial development, providing through Eli Whitney the
25 practical application of mass produced interchangeable
26 parts, great advances in metal working machinery by E. K.
27 Root under the direction of Sam Colt and today the notable
28 refinements in investment casting by Bill Ruger to name only
29 a few of the most noteworthy; and

30 WHEREAS, firearms accidents are relatively rare and have
31 been declining for decades due to safety features
32 incorporated in modern firearms as well as the educational
33 efforts of manufacturers and gun owners associations; and

34 WHEREAS, one of the great lessons of history is that
35 totalitarianism and tyranny never appear in any society

LC 21 5426T

1 where the right to keep and bear arms is respected and
2 preserved; and

3 WHEREAS, private ownership of firearms has long had a
4 notable effect in reducing crime, particularly violent
5 crime, as shown by studies by notable scholars such as Dr.
6 Gary Kleck of Florida State University, and Profs. John Lott
7 & David Mustard of the University of Chicago; and

8 WHEREAS, contrary to all intellectually honest facts and
9 reason, firearms have been blamed for causing crime; and

10 WHEREAS, this has resulted in persecution of firearms
11 manufacturers leading to trials of the same in Bridgeport,
12 Connecticut and other places where such superstition has a
13 powerful grip on government officials; and

14 WHEREAS, the State of Georgia has banned such persecution
15 based on superstition; and

16 WHEREAS, the State of Georgia provides a hospitable and
17 profitable climate for diverse parts of the arms industry as
18 the success of Glock, Inc. in Smyrna, and CVA in Norcross,
19 amply shows.

21 REPRESENTATIVES that the arms manufacturers of Connecticut
22 should receive every encouragement to move their plants and
23 operations from places like New Haven to the safe haven of
24 Georgia, where they will receive the protection and
25 encouragement they deserve for their efforts to provide for
26 the common defense, suppress crime, afford recreation,
27 provide jobs, advance the wholesome and beneficial science
28 of manufacturing, and numerous other praiseworthy features
29 which are a natural part of their industry.

30 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of
31 Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit
32 appropriate copies of this resolution to the Secretary of
33 State of Connecticut and the arms manufacturers of
34 Connecticut as hereinafter named:
35 Connecticut Shotgun Manufacturing Company
36 P.O. Box 1692
37 New Britain, CT 06051

38 Colt's Manufacturing Company, Inc.
39 P.O. Box 1868
40 Hartford, CT 06144

LC 21 5426T

1 Marlin Firearms Company
2 100 Kenna Drive
3 North Haven, Connecticut 06473

4 O. F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc.
5 7 Grasso Avenue
6 North Haven, Connecticut 06473

7 L. W. Seecamp Company, Inc.
8 P.O. Box 255
9 New Haven, CT 06502

10 Wildey, Inc.
11 P.O. Box 475
12 Brookfield, CT

Nevada alt C.A.N.
The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Kewl! Thanks for posting, Oatka.

I've just emailed my state senator asking him to endorse. I'll have to snailmail the darn rep. He doesn't appear to have a public email (will have to chide him for that).

BTW, so far, GA is pretty gun friendly (I've been here 20+ years). We've had concealed carry forever - long before the recent pack of additions following Florida's law. When the mayor (currently Bill Campbell) in the City of Atlanta (a fairly small area, actually, ~400,000 pop) jumped in on the gun mfr lawsuits, the legislature acted immediately and banned such suits against arms mfrs by municipalities in GA. :)

Let's hope this passes and some of these folks take up GA on its offer. I'd love to be able to take a summer tour of a factory from my cottage.
I hope they do take GA up on it....all of them. Betcha business overhead is lower in GA as well

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
L I B! Thanks for the post, Oatka.

I gotta get that up on my website (since I'm so quick to criticize 'em when they deserve it!).

I posted a little ditty about a week ago bragging about GA. I renewed my GA Firearms License (CCW) the first week in Jan 00 and the clerk gave me a summary of GA state firearms laws that was compiled by the NRA-ILA! I don't know why, but I was shocked!

An unexpected pleasant surprise.



"Get your mind right and the body will follow. Focus." - Shino Takazawa, sinsei, hachi dan, Keishinkan do.
Sensop's Corner

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited January 23, 2000).]
Something to be said for running fifty legal experiments all at once...this way we get to see if CA approach or GA approach works better. I have my guess as to which I'd prefer.
Interesting that Glock who is located in Georgia is deciding to stop selling guns to civilians. Interesting, very interesting.

Many people on glocktalk have actually called Glock and that is a baldfaced lie/rumor. Please don't post garbage like that unless you have some facts to back it up. No need to add to the rumor mill.