Georgia Gun Owners Beware!

Bill Mitchell

Staff Alumnus
The following is from the GA web site of bills for the 99 session.

1. Jones 71st 2. Watson 70th

HB 86 LC 21 5180


1 To amend Part 3 of Article 4 of Chapter 11 of Title 16 of
2 the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to carrying
3 and possessing a firearm, so as to require each person
4 owning a pistol or revolver to maintain a policy of
5 liability insurance covering damages resulting from and
6 negligent or willful acts involving such pistol or revolver;
7 to provide for exceptions; to repeal conflicting laws; and
8 for other purposes.



11 Part 3 of Article 4 of Chapter 11 of Title 16 of the
12 Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to carrying and
13 possessing a firearm, is amended by inserting at the end
14 thereof a new Code section to read as follows:

15 "16-11-135.

16 (a) Any person who owns a pistol or a revolver in this
17 state shall maintain a policy of liability insurance in
18 the amount of $1 million specifically covering any damages
19 resulting from negligent or willful acts involving the use
20 of such weapon while it is owned by such person. A person
21 shall be deemed the owner of a pistol or revolver after
22 the same is lost or stolen until such loss or theft is
23 reported to the police or sheriff of the jurisdiction in
24 which the owner resides.

25 (b) The provisions of this Code section shall not apply to
26 persons identified in Code Section 16-11-130."


28 All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are
29 repealed.
Looks like car insurance will go up next, $1,000,000 if you own a car.....

Oh and then pool case someone falls in, another $1,000,000

Better get another $1,000,000 on that star over your house...never know when its going to fall......


Mouse Assassins inc.

Let me guess, the sponsors are Democrats and either lawyers or in the insurance business. From the language of the bill it seems to me that this bill is mostly concerned with promoting lawsuits. I wonder if there are any statistics to show that lawsuits have been a problem with CCW holders. Hell, why stop with CCW holders, why not say that anyone owning a gun needs this liability insurance. I guess I need to write another letter.

Well folks guess my family and me WON"T be moving to georgia anytime in the near future!
But what is sad is watch how many states follow the same route...

Justice for one,Justice for all.
Terry, it sounds like to me all you mentioned are involved!! i sure hope arkansas don't hear about this.

fiat justitia

You hit the nail on the head-both are Democrats and both are on the House Insurance Committee. They both live in Decatur and represent Dekalb County. We can only hope that if this bill makes it as far as Gov. Barnes desk,he will have the sense to veto it.

Every year some idiot Democrats from the Atlanta area introduce several bills that are so anti-gun they are ridiculous. Usually they don't get out of committee. I think it's mostly done to keep their ultra-liberal bona fides up to date with their urban constituents rather than to actually accomplish anything.

We are fortunate here to have a majority (so far) of pro-gun legislators in both houses, and Gov. Barnes has a good pro-gun record as a legislator.

At this point I'm not too worried about this bill, but as it works it's way along I will get on the phone and fax to my state reps and senator. We can't take anything for granted any more. Every Georgia gun owner should check the state web site regularly while the state house is in session, just to make sure nothing gets slipped by us. BTW, Dekalb county is the heart of Cynthia McKinney's congressional district, if that tells you anything about how radically liberal it is.