Georgia Arms: Prices Soaring?

I've long been a supporter of Georgia Arms. Just went to their website and I've noticed that their prices are *way* up. Say it ain't so!
Rich, is this an overall price increase, or a few specific examples you noticed? Could you give me some specific examples? I don't have a catalog handy (I know there should be a new one coming out soon, though) - if you could give me some specifics, I might be able to get you some info...
Something doesn't look right Rich. The Canned Heat is now more expensive than the non-bulk .45 FMJ. ????

I have to say, I have about given up on them. Their .45 has always been too high. $230 for .45 230FMJ reload is just too high. S&B can be found all over at less than $10 a box. You found it at $10.75 over the counter in Prescott.

I got some bulk 200 grn SWC .45 from them to reload. It was some of the softest lead I have ever shot. Very bad leading compared to some of the other stuff I have loaded.

Have to say, they are off my prefered suppliers list now. :(

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
I think part of it may have to do with the Y2K hoarding of ammunition and components. GA has been selling ammo as fast as they can load it in certain calibers, and as a result, have been outstripping the availability of their components. I've been seeing this creep up on them at different gunshows during the past year. For instance, they stopped bringing certain bulk components like the Speer Gold Dots because all of them were reportedly going into production ammo.

I also wouldn't rule out that GA's suppliers of bulk components have been gouging them for the same reason. Why should CCI/Speer send Gold Dots to GA when they are needed for CCI/Speer's production ammo?

Perhaps someone could call Curtis Shipley in Villa Ricca and get the straight scoop?
Uh guys, does this prove that my lifelong investments in pump shotguns and canned goods is fixing to pay?
Dump your "Lear Jet 35" stock! I'm sorry to interject this as I always thought Mr.Stewart
was a great sportsman even though I don't golf. The hammer will soon fall on Cessna Citation etc.
Most web site shopping price list aren't even close to real time so post tommrow after a call as to what the real price is?
I had similar experience with GA. I ordered 308 reman loads that they used to deliver within a weeek and was told there would be a two to three week delay and the price was no longer $260 but was $280. OK, so there is hoarding but after a month, I called again and was told they didn't know when the loads would be available. I think the Y2K hoarding has not only produced delays but increases in price and the customers are paying. I guess we'll "bite the bullet". :)
In all fairness to GA, I should add I have 223 on back order from Cascade and 10 mm yet on back order from Natchez. The 223 didn't surprise me as that would be a popular caliber to hoard; but 10 mm!! Perhaps CCI is diverting all their efforts toward other calibers and neglecting the 10 mm. Be nice to hope for New Years sales but I doubt it will happen. Meanwhile, store up and beat those who would hoard!! :)

Gun control is a steady hand.

[This message has been edited by OJ (edited October 27, 1999).]
Amen, to that!
What I'm trying to horde is my money to answer all the Thrifty Nickel ads... ;)
My comments were general. For specifics look at the prices for their Power Plus offerings in .40S&W and .45ACP. Are they not up by almost 50%?
Guys, if you can provide me some specific questions to ask, I can call one of the owners (Larry Haynie) and ask directly (assuming he's in the office today). Or I may see him in person tonight.

BTW, all the info about them selling ammo as fast as they can produce it right now is correct. They've had a problem keeping up with demand for a lot of popular calibers (.223, .308, etc). They're not unique in this. Since the Clinton admin came into office, ammo sales have steadily skyrocketed, and the last quarter of this year should be the highest volume anyone has seen yet. I've heard at least one firearms dealer comment that Bill Clinton has been responsible for more firearm sales than anyone else in US history.

Also, I don't doubt that suppliers are gouging them, I will ask about that.
I just looked at the GA sight to check the prices on the loads that I usually buy from them (and have already stocked up on).

I didn't notice any increase at all over what I paid about 2 months ago. Hers's the loads:

.223 55 FMJ Canned Heat 1000 rounds - $160.00. They did go up a little on this special a few months back, about $10.00.

.45 185 +P 50 round bag - $13.75

9mm 115 +P+ 50 round bag - $14.75

9mm 115 FMJ 100 round bag - $14.50
I can understand production backups from GA, in the face of the buying frenzy. I've been an enthusiastic supporter since I first purchased from them over a year ago. Still am.

I just don't remember paying $13/box .45ACP Power Plus in bulk. If it's my imagination, apologies to follow.
Rich, etc.:

I talked to one of the owners of GA last night. He said they haven't had any major price increases, but they have had to raise the cost of some ammo due to increases in component costs in some calibers - specifically, brass. It seems that with all the ammo being sold right now, brass in bulk is getting scarce, and they're having to pay more for it. One of those supply/demand cases where competition forces prices up (in some cases, the cost of brass has increased 50%). As far as primers, bullets, etc. go, they overstocked in advance to avoid paying a "Y2K premium price".

And yes, some component suppliers are price gouging, but he says they haven't been affected by that too much (they do enough bulk business that suppliers want to keep them around, I guess).

Maybe some of the web site prices are wrong, or .45 was one of the calibers affected (I didn't ask about that). I would do any ordering over the phone for now (that way, you can ask about pricing directly).