Georgia Arms Ammo !!!

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George F

New member
I recently ordered and shot some .357 125 gr JHP & 158 gr LSWC ammo from Georgia Arms. Very accurate, powerful and all at a great price. Cheap enough to practice with JHP. Does anyone know of a downside to this company and it's product?
I know what you MEAN, man! I just finished sampling my case of 9mm 115gr JHP from GA last night. I noted a REMARKABLE difference in accuracy from the Russian surplus crap I had been shooting.

GA deals in remanufactured ammo, but their quality control rivals, if not supercedes, that of many factories, and their product is without a doubt as good or better than a lot of factory-loaded stuff.

The only downside I can think of has to do with something one of the ROs at the range I shoot at talked about. Said that if you ever had to use GA or similar (remanufactured) ammo defensively, an attorney might ask you why you were shooting custom-made loads to kill people (inferring you were intentionally looking for a fight, intentionally looking to kill, and intentionally looking for the best bullet to do the nastiest job). Whether or not he was just using that as a scare tactic to get me to buy the $20 boxes of CorBons is up for discussion.

But GA makes great stuff, without a doubt...

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
I have been using the Georgia Arms 9mm Gold Dot 124grn +P JHP ammo in my guns for about a year. I have been very satisfied with it, and it is cheap enough to practice with also.

Georgia Arms makes some reloads and some regular ammo. This load IS NOT remanufactured (reloaded) ammo. Georgia Arms buys new ammo components and assembles them to make their Gold dot load. This makes them an ammo manufacturer just like any other company like Corbon, Triton, Winchester, Federal, etc. You can tell by the markings on the bag. Look for the bag that says "Manufactured Ammo".

The "no reloads for self defense" idea has been around for some time. I won't use reloads or Black Talon for self defense. It may not be true, but why take the chance? The best idea I heard is to call up your local police and find out what they use. If a shooting does occur, you were using the standard police load. How can any lawyer make a fuss about that? I do this by carrying Nycads in my 38 stubby.
There is no downside to GA. Their new and remanned offerings are outstanding. There service is A+ and their prices are great.

As for the concept of liability, I think it's hogwash and have yet to receive a court cite where such was successfully argued.

-What about those who carry "magnum" calibers?
-1911's with those "killer" 3.5 lb triggers?
Tricked out $1500 guns?
-Nasty Glocks that don't have the infamous NY Trigger (8lb)
-Those who empty the weapon at the perp?
-Those who pay a premium for the demonized high cap mags?

If I have to be tried for shooting someone, my defense better be that I feared for my or others' lives and had no choice but to stop the agression....immediately. The tools used have far less bearing than the manner of use.

"Why did you order those special killer rounds from Georgia Arms?"

"Because it is considered prudent to make certain a defensive firearm functions with the ammunition. GA is the only company that I found that offers standard, factory ammunition at prices reasonable enough to practice with. Respectfully, Your Honor, could you instruct this Mook to Bite me?"

I don't think the legals problems will be with a criminal court in the case of "unusual" loads. As others have suggested, the criminal court is only concerned with whether or not it was a justifiable, "good" shoot.

The problem may be with the civil court. There the "acccuser" has less to prove, so to speak, to win his case (and your money) that you went great lengths to purposely hurt the victim (the erstwhile criminal) more.

Just my two bits.


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
Yeah, I kind of suspected that the range Officer, sincere as his POV might have been, also might have been trying to milk a couple extra $$$ out of me before I left to clean my gun.

Nothing against CorBon, but at $20 per box, I can't afford practice with them. On the other hand, as mentioned above, I can practice with what I carry with G-A ammo.

Getting back to Georgia Arms, their customer service is excellent, too. The clerk who took my order mistook a letter, and sent me a case of their "canned heat" (115gr FMJ in ammo cans) instead of the JHP I had wanted. I called, rectified, they told me to send a check for the difference with the ammo being sent back. Got the right stuff the next week.

They also appreciate feedback from their customers. Here's a copy of their reply to the email I sent to them after being wow-ed by my trial run with their ammo:

"thank you for the vote of confidence. we like to hear good things as
well as the bad. if you do ever have any problems let us know we do
stand behind our product 100% with full money back. thanks again, kathy"


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
"just no downside to Georgia Arms."

Well, over all I'm happy with them but I was shorted 7 rounds of 45 acp reloads. Not the end of the world by any standard I grant you. I didn't really worry about it, but if you are the kind that gets bent out of shape about such things you might do a count.

What I was ticked off about was their 357 mag reloads (Not the Deerslayers, the regular ones.) 158 gr @ 800fps? That's a 38 special folks. I realize you're not going to get 158@1500fps but 800fps? Geez. Couldn't we have gotten at least into +P land for the money. As they were more expensive than the 38 special, I felt ripped.

I guess just ask alot of questions and you won't be disappointed. I would order from them again.

Good yes, perfect no.
Dang those .357s sure do sound weak. Can I ask what you were shooting them in? Also did you ask GA Arms about that? I wouldn't think that is the velocity they were shooting for. Might be worth taking them up on their guarantee.

Joe, GA Arms advertises their reloaded .357Mag in 158gr JHP @ 1200fps. If you got 800 fps performance, give them a call. If I were you, I'd ship any of the ammo left back to them. If they get similar results with what's shipped back, I'd expect them to ship you some new ammo. My experience with GA Arms is that they are good folks to deal with....Dan in GA
Joe, Since GA Arms loads a 357M 158 gr LRN cowboy load that hits 800 fps, you may have gotten this load with a 158 JHP bullet. I assume you did order the JHP's? If so, you definitely should ask for a refund or replacement order.
Joe - how do you know you only got 800fps? Did you Chrony it? If so, was this velocity consistent for the entire batch?

If GA Arms did mix up the ammo as Mal H suggested, this would concern me since they advertise quality control second to none.

Call them and let us know what they say.
Something I liked about buying components like hard cast bullets from GA Arms: I always seemed to get more than what I ordered. The label on the box says 300 x 230 gr .45 caliber yadda yadda

...and after I get finished loading 300 (known by watching how many primer boxes I went through), there always seems to be another 20-30 in the box.

I use their .223 55 gr FMJ exclusively. It isn't as good as handloaded ammo but I'm not patient enough to prep brass in the quantity I shoot.

A few times I found a rifle cartridge that was obviously substandard (crushed mouth, primer missing, etc) and I mean a FEW in the thousands of .223 I've bought from them. I brought the bad rounds to Ga Arms and they always seemed genuinely concerned about their quality control. If I had remembered the lot numbers of the ammo in question, they assured me that the QC inspector in question would have been spoken to about it.

Edmund, a happy Georgia Arms customer.
Whoa, cool your jets, you're reading me wrong. The ammo (357 mag) stated the vel on the bag. It just didn't list the vel in the cataloge. (Some of the other 357vels were listed) This was not a quality control issue. My bullets left the factory exactly the way GA wanted them to. It really wasn't THAT big of a deal. I was just a little disappointed. Had the catalog listed the vel or rated it as "Cowboy" ammo I would have known what I was getting.

Their prices are very good and I intend on doing business with them again. This time if the vel isn't listed I'll ask.

FWIW The quality of the ammo is very good.
I have noticed a tendency for GA Arms to offer lower velocities on many of their rounds. I have asked them about this on several occasions. The last time they told me that they are trying to make ammo that will be safe in everybody's gun, or something to that effect. Sheesh, all I wanted was a 155 or 165-grain .45 Colt going 1200 fps out of a 2" barrel...

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