George Will, wordsmith


New member
If my letters to the editor on gun control could be as well-crafted, I could die a happy man. Of course, those 250-word limits tend to stifle thought ;) .

A snippet from his piece today on GW's tax cut:

Bush's supposedly amazing "charm offensive" is nothing more remarkable than a restoration of elemental civility. It has been helped by dissonant vituperation from the departing chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Joe Andrew, who dismisses Bush as a "lousy" president and a "sock puppet" manipulated by the vice president, and from the new chairman, Terry McAuliffe, who says Republicans favor "spilling oil in Alaska" and "putting derricks in Yellowstone Park."

Adolescence, unattractive enough in adolescents, is more so in biological adults, but that of Andrew and McAuliffe is a gift to Bush. And it may be a gift that keeps on giving. The Democratic Party's dominant ideology is victimology: It is the party of those who, feeling put-upon, nurse political identities defined by membership in grievance groups. But pouting is not a program. So let Democrats devote themselves to seething about such hoary Florida fictions as (McAuliffe again) "state police cars" and "roadblocks" suppressing minority voting.

Too bad the effite Georgie Porgie hates, loathes and despises the Second Amendment, millions of honest gun owners, and the very idea of the Right of Self Defense against vicious criminals.

He and Sam "I'd Cower Under The Bed" Donaldson, are two peas in the same pod.

My impression is that George Will has gotten better on this issue in the last few years. It seems like he has come around a little.

[Edited by JimR on 02-12-2001 at 11:19 AM]
Jeff Snyder caused Will to grudgingly admit the usefulness of gun ownership, but not without some utopianist bleating.
Jay Baker

George Will hates guns, true; however, he wrote a great piece lampooning HCI's use of Justice Burger's opnion (after his retirement) that the 2nd was NOT and individual right.

George Will thinks the Second Amendment should be Amended out of the Consitution; however, he holds to it's true individual meaning and he holds true to addressing it in a Constitutional manner - through the Amendment process. I can at least respect that.

ps. If I find that article, I'll post--it was a good one