George Will on gun lawsuits


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See <a href="">George Will's Sunday editorial</a> in the Washington Post on suits against firearms manufacturers.

Very good editorial Rod, at least somebody in the news media is finally making sense,Even though George Will is no friend of gun owners in general. Anybody wanting to check this out, it is at Click on opinion\editorials then George Will.
George Will is an excellent and very influential editorialist. He's very adept at making obvious the hypocracy and faulty logic of the neo-liberalism who as he states has as their first line of logic to "save the children". To these people we are all children in need of someone to take care of us, protect us and generally manage our affairs. In return for doing this all the neo-liberal goverment asks is that you follow orders when they decide to place limitations on your freedoms ... its all for your own good you know.

Anyway Will did write an article several years ago asking for the repeal of the Second Amendment. But I wonder if he might be having second thoughts? He cited Lott in his article (who was actually citing work on defensive gun use that was conducted by Gary Kleck) and if he feels those stats are valid he must be willing to consider the benefit side of gun ownership. Besides he wouldn't have called for repeal of the Second Amendment in order to curb private use of guns if he didn't realize that this Amendment guarentees the right of the individual to keep and bear arms, could he. He may not so far from us as you think and he could be a very significant ally.

I'm going to write to him and tell him how much I appreciated his editorial. Sometimes we forget to let folks know when we appreciate point of view.


Rod, I don't have the article in front of me, but George wrote an article in Newsweak (I think, mispelling deliberate) called "A Nation of Cowards", about his growing doubt regarding gun bans and the like. Definitely worth finding a copy if you can. I belive the article signalled a change of heart for Mr. Will.
David, <a href="">A Nation of Cowards</a> was written by Jeffrey Snyder, not George Will.
Being the Jonne on the Spot kinda guy I am, you may now reference "A Nation of Cowards" in our Library Section on the Main Forum Page.
I agree Snyder's "A Nation Of Cowards" is a classic piece of writing. It cuts through the flim flam and asks the hard questions point blank. It exposes the hypocracy of those who use the usual fuzzy reasons about why they would leave responsibility for their own safety to: "the proper authorities"